Street trading - Resolution to designate Consent Streets in 2025

We're committed to developing the borough and its high streets as attractive and vibrant places to live, work and conduct business. Street traders animate high streets and enhance the permanent offer of the borough's local businesses.

Street trading means the selling or exposing or offering for sale of any article (including a living thing) in a street. A street is defined as any road, footway, beach, or other area to which the public has access to without payment, which includes private land.

We're consulting on our intention to pass a resolution to designate all streets within the borough as Consent Streets from 1 April 2025. If resolved by the Council, it will be illegal to trade in a street in the borough without street trading consent. 

Why do we want to do this?

It will enable us to effectively manage and control street trading within Barnsley Town Centre and the high streets in the Principal Towns, as well as the road network within the borough.

A street trading policy was approved by Cabinet in June 2024. The policy ensures that we have in place a clear framework to authorise and regulate street trading. It outlines the criteria that applicants must meet and the fees they must pay to be granted Street Trading Consent. 

We are seeking the views of residents and businesses, including those businesses who already trade in the borough's streets, on our intention to designate all streets within the borough as Consent Streets from 1 April 2025.

In addition, we are reviewing the Street Trading Policy 2024-2029, including the fees and charges, and welcome views on any changes. In particular, we welcome views of street traders and ice cream vendors on the fees and charges. 

Your comments and views will be presented to Cabinet who will decide if we are to proceed with passing a resolution to designate all streets within the borough as Consent Streets and if any amendments are required to the Street Trading Policy 2024-2029. The resolution will be made at a meeting of Full Council in February 2025.

Representations may be made in writing to the Council at the following address no later than 29 September 2024: Daniel Harper, Head of Economic Development, Barnsley Council, PO Box 609, Barnsley, S70 9FH. Alternatively, email


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