Additional Household Support Grant funding to support residents with the rising cost of living

The next round of Household Support Grant funding will be made available soon, supporting people in Barnsley with the rising cost of living.

In November 2022, the government announced that the Household Support Fund would be extended for another 12 months, covering the period April 2023 to March 2024.

Barnsley will receive £4.7 million to cover this period, funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.

The grant will fund a range of schemes linked to:

  • Energy
  • Food and water
  • Essentials linked to Energy and water (support with household bills linked to energy and water)
  • Wider essentials
  • Advice services
  • Housing costs

There will also be support delivered by community groups, who will need to bid for grant funding.

More information about the schemes available and who is eligible to apply for them will be available on our More Money in Your Pocket webpage. We’ll also share more information on our social media pages when support becomes available.

Our More Money in Your Pocket webpage also provides a whole host of information on getting help with the rising cost of living. You’ll find information and advice about free or discounted support from many other websites, so you can find out how you could save money or get help in a range of areas.

Cllr Robin Franklin, Cabinet Spokesperson for Core Services, said: “The rising cost of living is still a major concern for a lot of people in our communities, and we’re really pleased that more funding is being made available through the Household Support Grant to support those who need it.

“We’re committed to supporting people with the rising cost of living, and there’s plenty of advice and information available through More Money in Your Pocket for people concerned about money. There’s also been some fantastic support available through different community groups, which will be continuing with this additional funding, and I’d like to thank those groups for the work they’ve done in supporting those who need it.

“If you qualify for any of the schemes made available through the Household Support Grant, I really encourage you to apply for these and share them with your family, friends and communities.”

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