Broadcarr Road, Hoyland, Barnsley Speed Limit Order 202


Speed Limit Order 202-


It is proposed to:

Reduce the speed limit from national speed limit of 60 miles per hour to 50 miles per hour on Broadcarr Road, from its junction with Sheffield Road for a distance of 596 metres in a north easterly direction

Reduce the speed limit from national speed limit of 60 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour on Broadcarr Road, from a point 596 metres northeast of its junction with Sheffield Road for a distance of 581 metres in a north easterly direction.

Documents about the proposal are available to view on the council website's public notices page, at the Library @ the Lightbox, 1 The Glass Works, Barnsley and the Hoyland Library, High Croft, Hoyland, Barnsley during normal opening hours.

Any objection or representation should be made in writing stating the grounds and sent by email to or by post to the Head of Transport and Highways (Traffic Management), PO Box 601, Barnsley S70 9FA no later than 14 February 2025."