How to get the help you need

Section 5 of the SEND Code of Practice describes the help and support children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (birth to 5 years) should receive from services, including:

  • Nurseries
  • Child minders
  • Barnsley Council 
  • The NHS

During this stage, regular checks and assessments are made to see how your child is developing. These checks are performed by health visitors, nurseries, child minders and other professionals. 

It's the work of these services to find any Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disabilities your child might have.  Also to work alongside you and keep you updated of your child's needs.

If your child is identified as having a special educational need then the early years provider may be able to support your child. Your child may also be placed on a pathway for a further assessment.  This will investigate if any extra help is needed. 

What to do if you have concerns

Every school and nursery has a teacher with responsibility for children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND). This person is called the school SENCO.

If you've concerns, questions or updates; or you feel you're not getting the support you need; you can contact the nursery SENCO who'll support you. Alternatively, you can ask to speak to the manager of the service. 

You can ask for a meeting to be arranged with the SENCO. You can talk about ongoing concerns, or you could ask about submitting a complaint.

Useful links

Barnsley Council