Starting further or higher education can be a very exciting and daunting time. If you're aged 16 or above and have SEND we can support and advise you.

Further education 

Section 7 of the SEND Code of Practice describes the support you should receive from:

  • further education colleges
  • sixth form colleges
  • 16-19 academies
  • some independent specialist colleges

Higher education

If you're planning to go to university you'll still be able to get support for your SEN. This will be through the university disability support service,  rather than SEN support or an EHCP.

The EHC team will review your EHCP with you and your college before you go to university. They'll stop your EHCP as it won't be needed when you move to university. 

Universities have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for students with SEND under the Equality Act 2010. It’s worth getting in touch with the university’s disability team to find out more about what they offer.

We can still support you up to your 25th birthday, so get in touch if you need help speaking with your university about any worries you may have.

SENDIASS Young Persons Service (SYPS)

The SENDIASS Young Persons Service (SYPS) is part of the SENDIASS offer.

If you're aged between 16 and 25 you might want to speak with other young people like yourself. 

Please see our groups page for more information. 

Useful links