
Our Council Plan

Our Council Plan 2021-2024 sets out what we aim to achieve over three years, delivering the borough’s vision: Barnsley – the place of possibilities.

Our plan provides the framework for making decisions about priorities in the council and helps to drive performance by setting out what we're seeking to achieve and how it will be measured. 

The plan will help us make sure we strive to be even better and make a real difference for our residents.

More about our Council Plan

Our priorities

We have five new priorities which are supported by 12 outcomes:

We feel that these areas warrant greater attention, emphasis, and possibly resources, to influence other areas of activity and make the greatest impact overall. This is where we'll focus our performance management and reporting arrangements to keep a closer eye on how well we're doing.

Priorities and outcomes

Our performance management

Our performance management framework includes regular progress and performance reports against the Council Plan. Visit the council performance section of our website for the latest report.

Council performance

Our People Strategy

The People Strategy supports the delivery of both the Council Plan 2021-2024 and Barnsley 2030 ambitions. We know the greatest asset the council has is our people, who make such a positive difference to the quality of residents’ lives and help to enable our communities to be even better connected, and to help themselves and each other.

The People Strategy demonstrates the value we place on our people, their energy, ideas and innovation, with many ways of involving and collaborating with colleagues in its implementation and delivery.​

​It will ensure that we: 

  • ​have effective and compassionate leadership that encourages and enables innovation and creativity.​
  • work together as an inclusive council that represents the communities we serve.​
  • move to new ways of working through a smart-working approach, using the principle that 'Barnsley is our office’.​
  • continue to support employees to improve their health and wellbeing.​
  • hear from employees about what works well and what doesn't, and how we can change things.​
  • listen to ideas from employees and get them involved in improvements that make a difference.
Interchange side view
Locke park tree with view of the bandstand
Town square fountains