Our policy and funding documents

Barnsley Council governance

Our annual reports

Service action plans

Barnsley Council services

Other documents

Other useful resources and information 

We've collected these useful links to resources and help which you may find helpful. 


Department for Education guidance

SEND guidance

Changes to special educational needs and disability support

Children with special educational needs

Equality Act

Help if you have a disabled child

Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years

Special educational needs and disability


Alternative Provision


Children missing education

Early Years Foundation Stage (birth to 5 years)

Elective Home Education

Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England

Fair Access - protocols and principles

National Curriculum

Performance Attainment targets for Children with Special Educational Needs

School Admissions

Health and wellbeing

Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs

Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions

Support for children and young people

Children’s Activity Passport Checklists for Children Under 11

Careers Guidance

Preventing Cyber Bullying


Home to school transport

Post-16 transport to education and training


Education Settings

Research reports

Further legislation and law resources

Useful resources our service users recommend

Other resources and support

ADHD support

Advocacy services

Asperger's support

Autism support

Bereavement support

Bullying and harassment support

Carer's support services

Children and young people's activities and support groups

Dyslexia support


Early help assessment (EHA)

EHCP (education health and care plan)

Education/EOTAS (education other than at school)

Education welfare

Exam support


Family hubs

Global development delay

Health and wellbeing

Interpretation services

LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diversity)


Mental health support

Organisations supporting SEND and mental health

Pathological demand

Prader Willi syndrome

SEN support

Sensory impairment (visual/hearing)

Sleep issues

Specialist schools / colleges

Studying in the UK as a student with disabilities



Transport support

Translation services

Undiagnosed: Swan – syndromes without a name

Welfare and financial support