Our policy and funding documents
- Referral policy
- Confidentiality policy
- Privacy policy
- Information, Advice and Support Programme guidance
- Practice standards
- SENDIASS SMG accessibility policy
Barnsley Council governance
Our annual reports
Service action plans
Barnsley Council services
- Barnsley Education Inclusion Service
Find information and resources published by Barnsley Council's SEND Inclusion service - Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- SEND local offer directory
Other documents
- SENDIASS review executive summary
- Minimum standards
- A guide to understanding SENDIASS for our local area partners
Other useful resources and information
We've collected these useful links to resources and help which you may find helpful.
Department for Education guidance
SEND guidance
Changes to special educational needs and disability support
- Easy Read Guide for Parents on SEND Reforms - December 2014
- Easy Read Guide for Children and Young People on SEND Reforms – December 2014
Children with special educational needs
- Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Apply for school transport for a child with special educational needs and disabilities
Equality Act
Help if you have a disabled child
Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- SEND code of Practice (0-25 Years) - January 2015
- Early Years Guide to the 0 to 25 SEND code of practice - September 2014
- Further education guide to the 0-25 SEND code of practice - September 2014
Special educational needs and disability
Alternative Provision
Children missing education
Early Years Foundation Stage (birth to 5 years)
Elective Home Education
Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England
Fair Access - protocols and principles
National Curriculum
- National Curriculum
- Key Stage 1 access arrangements
- Key Stage 2 access arrangements
- Languages programmes of study
Performance Attainment targets for Children with Special Educational Needs
School Admissions
Health and wellbeing
Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs
Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools
- Behaviour in schools: advice for headteachers and school staff - 2022
- Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools - November 2018
- Use of Reasonable Force in Schools - July 2013
- Reducing the Need for Restraint and Restrictive Intervention in Schools - June 2019
Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions
- Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions - December 2015
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions: Links to other Resources - August 2017
Support for children and young people
Children’s Activity Passport Checklists for Children Under 11
Careers Guidance
Preventing Cyber Bullying
Home to school transport
Post-16 transport to education and training
Education Settings
Research reports
Further legislation and law resources
- Children and Families Act 2014 (Full act of law - GOV.UK legislation)
- Children and Families Act 2014 (IPSEA guidance)
- Young person’s guide to the Children and Families Act 2014 (DfE – GOV.UK)
- Equality Act 2010 (GOV.UK legislation)
Useful resources our service users recommend
Other resources and support
ADHD support
- NHS - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD
- What is ADHD: Explaining everything you don't understand about ADHD
Advocacy services
Asperger's support
Autism support
- Autism Education Trust - Advice for parents and carers
- Barnsley Council - Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Brain in hand personal technology for independent living
- National Autistic Society
- National Autistic Society - early bird support group
- NHS Learning disability support
Bereavement support
- Barnsley Hospital bereavement support
- Bereavement support groups
- Bereavement Support Payment
- BereavementSupport.co.uk
- Care for the Family
- Live Well Barnsley
- NHS - coping with bereavement
- SupportLine
Bullying and harassment support
- Anti-Bullying Alliance
- Barnsley Safe Places
- Barnsley Council - Get help if you're being bullied
- Bullying at school
- Contact - Bullying advice
- GOV.UK - Preventing bullying
Carer's support services
Children and young people's activities and support groups
- Ad Astra Barnsley
- Army Cadets Barnsley
- Barnsley FC - Disability Sport
- Barnsley Targeted Youth Support
- Chilypep
- Sea Cadets Barnsley
- Study in the UK - Information for students with disabilities
- TIAG - Targeted Information, Advice and Guidance
- YMCA Barnsley
Dyslexia support
- British dyslexia association
- Dyslexia trust
- Dyslexiatest
- Helen Arkell - child support
- The Dyslexia SpLD trust
- IPSEA - dyslexia getting extra help with exams
- NHS dyslexia conditions
- Dyslexia explained ebook
- Special Needs Jungle - spotting signs of dyslexia
Early help assessment (EHA)
EHCP (education health and care plan)
- EHC plan leaflet for young people
- Getting to know your EHCP
- IPSEA: What to do when you receive your draft EHC plan
- IPSEA: What an EHC plan contains
- IPSEA: What to do when you receive your final EHC plan
- IPSEA: Annual Review
- IPSEA: The annual review process
Education/EOTAS (education other than at school)
- Barnsley Council - school admissions and transfers
- Barnsley Council - Education for Children who can't attend school due to health needs
- Barnsley Council - Education Welfare Service
- Good schools guide
- GOV.UK - school performance tables
- School search website
Education welfare
Exam support
- Barnsley Council - Excluding Pupils from School
- Child law advice - school exclusion
- GOV.UK school exclusion
- IPSEA advice - exclusion from School
Family hubs
Global development delay
Health and wellbeing
- NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
- NEDA - National Eating Disorder
- NHS England: Ask, Listen, Do
- Healthwatch Barnsley
- KidsHealth
- LiveWell Barnsley
Interpretation services
- Barnsley Council - Access for Disabled People
- Barnsley Council - Hearing Support
- Barnsley Council offices
- British Deaf Association
- thebigword
- Language Empire
- Sign Solutions
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diversity)
- Action for Children - LGBT
- Childline - Sexuality
- TransYouth Family Allies
- Mermaids
- Supportline - Sexuality
- Time to Listen
- Transfamily
Mental health support
- CAMHS - child and adolescent mental health service
- Chilypep - mental health page
- Healthy place
- The Mix
- Hopeline UK
- Rethink Mental Illness
- Young minds
- We are mind space
- Ad Astra Barnsley
- Mind
- Rotherham and Barnsley Mind
Organisations supporting SEND and mental health
- Action for children
- Ad Astra Barnsley
- Barnardos Barnsley
- Barnsley Education Inclusion Services
- Cerebra
- Contact
- Council for disabled children
- Dial Barnsley
- Disabled Living
- coram: family and childcare
- Family Information Service - Local Offer
- Family lives
- Hand in hand parenting
- Kids
- Mencap Barnsley
- National Children's Bureau
- Scope
- Sense
- Social, Communication and Interaction Team
Pathological demand
Prader Willi syndrome
SEN support
Sensory impairment (visual/hearing)
Sleep issues
Specialist schools / colleges
Studying in the UK as a student with disabilities
- ERIC: The Children's Bowel and Bladder Charity
- TheSchoolRun: Managing toileting problems in primary schools
Transport support
Translation services
- Barnsley Council - Access for Disabled People
- Barnsley Council - Hearing Support
- Barnsley Council - Education Inclusion Services
- Barnsley Council offices
- British Deaf Association
- thebigword
- Language Empire
- Sign Solutions