
Find out more about Compass+

With our free Compass+ tool you can benchmark, manage, track and report on your school's careers provision at individual student levelOnce populated with student data, Compass+ provides features that assist a school to do the following:

  • Assess their school’s careers provision against the Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Track individual students’ careers interests and intended destinations (what they plan to do after leaving school)
  • Track individual students’ actual destinations (what they do for 3 years after leaving the school)
  • Plan and track careers activities for individual students
  • Input and store details of third-party organisations and contacts that can support their school with careers provision
  • Download key information into reports, for the following purposes: 
    • For analysis and reporting within their school
    • To provide data to local authorities to support them in their statutory duty to record the intended destinations of 16-year olds
    • To provide systematic records to each student of the individual advice given to them as recommended in the Gatsby Benchmarks.


Why upgrade to Compass+?

Hear from Careers Leaders about the difference Compass+ makes and its benefits in this short video

Find out more here.


How to upgrade to Compass+

Compass+ is available to eligible secondary schools, special schools, sixth-forms and PRUs in England. Hear what schools have to say about upgrading in this short video.

 Find out more here .


How we use your data in Compass+

Compass+ pulls some data from the school’s Management Information System (MIS) to support individual student level career provision. The school approves the data set that is pulled from their MIS and is in control of the flow of its data.

Find out more here.


Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) template

Our pre-populated DPIA template helps schools review Compass+ before they upgrade. It explains how Compass+ works; how data is used in Compass+ and shared with third parties; the lawful basis for processing and more.

You can obtain a copy of the template from our Customer Service team at 


Frequently asked questions about data in Compass+

Here you’ll find the answers to key questions such as how does Compass+ collect and process my school's student data? What is the lawful basis for processing? How do I know my Compass+ data will be safe?

Find out more here.


Training & Support

We’ve created two free self-service online modules specifically for Compass+ users. Each module comprises videos, slides and quizzes explaining the core product functionality to help you use Compass+ effectively.

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