National Portfolio Organisation status for 2023 to 2026

Our libraries are welcoming hubs in the heart of our communities. They're places where you can learn, get creative and connect with our borough’s rich culture.

We’re delighted to have been chosen as a National Portfolio Organisation for 2023-2026. This will allow us to support cultural activities across our libraries for years to come.

This funding from Arts Council England recognises all our hard work. We've developed high-quality and accessible cultural programmes everyone can enjoy.

It will help us to deliver more exciting and inclusive activities, inspiring people of all ages to engage with culture. It will also help us to work more closely with our communities and support local groups.

Our ‘All In’ programme 2024/25

We believe libraries and culture should be for everyone. For our second year as a National Portfolio Organisation, we’re continuing to build on the success of our first year of activity. You can see some of the highlights from last year on the Barnsley Libraries YouTube channel

This year we have launched a new series of Library Lates across 5 of our branches. These activities are one off workshops aimed at adults who want to have a go at something new.

We’ll be commissioning more artists to work with us throughout the year including:

  • Artist Alistair Flindell in residency at Worsbrough Library
  • Summer Reading Challenge Commissions with Olivia Corbin-Phillip, Evelyn Albrow, Selma Zaman
  • Green Libraries Creative Commission
  • Black History Month Commission
  • Commission at Royston library

We’re continuing work with our home library service to collect oral histories and hope to collate these into an audio book to share with customers.

We've lots more planned as part of our ‘All In’ programme and National Portfolio Organisation status. Keep an eye out on Barnsley Libraries’ social media channels for more details.

We know that many of the events will be popular, so please book in advance on our library events page so you don't miss out.

How you can get involved

As part of our ‘All In’ programme, we’re offering a series of Creative Commissions to showcase the region’s creative talents.

Whether you’re a musician, poet, sculptor or artist of any kind, we want to see your ideas.

Throughout the year we’ll be releasing various artist call outs and briefs so keep an eye out on Barnsley Libraries’ social media channels and on the Arts Jobs website for these.

More information

Our 'All In' programme is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

Arts Council and UK Government funding