The Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley (Barnsley North East Area) (Traffic Regulation Consolidation) Order 2018 (Amendment No.-) Order 202-Details
It is proposed to prohibit vehicles waiting at any time on any day to parts of both sides of Ballfield Lane at Kexborough and at side road junctions with Uplands Avenue, Cooper Road, and Priestley Avenue and the priority intersection at the southern end of Ballfield Lane that it forms with Churchfield Lane, together with a short length of Churchfield Lane through the junction and part of the proposed restrictions on Ballfield Lane will link into the existing 'School Keep Clear' markings.
Documents about the proposal are available to view on the council's web site and at Library@ The Lightbox, 1 The Glass Works, Barnsley S70 1GW and the branch library at Mapplewell and Staincross Village Hall, Darton Lane, Mapplewell, during normal opening hours.
Any objection or representation should be made in writing stating the grounds and sent by email to traffic@barnsley.gov.uk or by post to the Head of Transport and Highways (Traffic Management), PO Box 601, Barnsley S70 9FA no later than 4 October 2024.