Local listed buildings

Local listing is different from national listing, which is a statutory designation (backed by legislation) and carries a much higher level of protection. Locally listed buildings aren't protected by legislation and don't need listed building consent for works unlike buildings on the national list. However, it's still a very useful way of making sure planning proposals respect the special local interest of buildings, structures or sites on the local list. It makes sure this is considered during the planning process.

Buildings, structures, or sites are selected for inclusion on the local list based on:

  • relative age
  • degree of survival
  • rarity
  • architectural and historical importance
  • social and community value
  • group and townscape merit

See the existing local heritage list.

Why local listing?

Local Listing has a vital role in the strengthening of local character and the protection of the local historic environment via the planning system. Recognition of the locally listed status of a building, structure, or site can prevent inappropriate development that could harm it's historic significance.

How does the list work?

All types of heritage assets are eligible for nomination. These include:

  • Buildings
  • Monuments
  • Designed landscapes
  • Places

The adding of a building, structure, or site to the local list makes sure it's special local interest is considered wherever planning permission is needed. However, we have the further option of making what is known as Article 4 Directions. This restricts certain forms of development that would ordinarily be permitted. In this case this would be to protect the special local interest of an asset on the local list. You can find out more about restrictions on permitted development on the Historic England website.

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