All acupuncture premises and staff must be registered with us.
You and your premises are covered by the registration, but each staff member must register.
Peripatetic acupuncturists are allowed but the same conditions and hygiene requirements apply in each place where you practice.
You'll be expected to be a member of a relevant professional body. You'll also be expected to operate with that body's standards.
If you carry out skin piercing you must comply with our skin piercing byelaws. These byelaws set out the hygienic standards expected at your premises.
How to register
You can register your business for tattooing, cosmetic piercing, semi permanent skin colouring or electrolysis. You'll need to send us a completed application form and pay the fee.
When we receive this we'll contact you and arrange a visit.
Our fees
A fee is payable upon applying. Please contact us for more details.
How to pay
You can pay the fee by calling us on 01226 773743. Please have your card details ready. You can see which cards we accept and transaction charges on our pay page.
Legislation and guidance
You can find out more from the following links:
For more information
Call us on 01226 773743 or