A premises licence will normally lapse on the death, mental incapacity or insolvency of the holder. Where a company holds the licence, it lapses on dissolution or insolvency.
As it can take some time for a deceased person's estate to be dealt with, you can apply for an interim authority notice. This allows the licence to be reinstated for a limited period, so the premises can still operate.
Who can apply
An interim authority notice can only be given by either:
- a person with a prescribed interest in the premises
- a person connected to the former holder of the licence
This would normally be a personal representative of the former holder, or someone with power of attorney. Where someone has become insolvent, it would be that person's insolvency practitioner.
The fee for an interim authority notice is £23.
How to apply
You can apply by sending your completed interim authority notice to licensing@barnsley.gov.uk. We'll then contact you to follow this up and take payment. You can do this within 28 days of the licence lapsing. This time period begins the day after the licence lapses. You also need to send a copy of the notice to the chief officer of police and the Home Office.
Applying by post
You can apply by post by sending your completed interim authority notice to: Barnsley Council, Licensing, Regulatory Services, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG.
Please enclose a cheque for the correct fee made payable to Barnsley MBC.
What happens next
As soon as we receive the interim authority notice, the business may continue to operate as before. The premises licence lapses unless and until the notice is given. Continuing to trade before submitting the notice would be a criminal offence.
The maximum period an interim authority notice may have effect is three months.
The notice ceases to have effect unless a copy has been given to the chief officer of police within 28 days. This time period begins the day after the licence lapses. If, within 48 hours of receiving the copy, they believe there are circumstances relating to the notice that would undermine the crime prevention objective, they may give us a notice to that effect. In these cases we must hold a hearing to consider the objection notice.
For details of how all applications are processed, see our premises licence approval process.
Tacit consent
Tacit consent applies for this licence. This means if you've not heard from us after 60 calendar days, you can act as though your application is granted.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or