When applying for a premises licence, a copy of the application form and plans must be sent to each of these authorities. Copies also need to be sent to them when applying to vary a premises licence.
Authority | Address | Email address |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council |
Licensing Section |
licensing@barnsley.gov.uk |
South Yorkshire Police | Chief Superintendent South Yorkshire Police Licensing Department Force Headquarters Carbrook House 5 Carbrook Hall Road Sheffield S9 2EH |
barnsleylicensing@southyorks.pnn.police.uk |
South Yorkshire Fire Service | Chief Fire Officer South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Dearne District Fire Safety Broadway Barnsley S70 6RA |
syfrlicensing@syfire.gov.uk |
Enforcement agency for health and safety at work | Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Regulatory Services Health and Safety Section PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9FB |
regulatoryservices@barnsley.gov.uk |
Planning authority | Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Planning and Transportation Assistant Director (Planning and Transportation) PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9FE |
developmentcontrol@barnsley.gov.uk |
Pollution control | Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Regulatory Services Pollution Control Section PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9FB |
pollutioncontrol@barnsley.gov.uk |
Local weights and measures authority | Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Regulatory Services Trading Standards PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9FB |
regulatoryservices@barnsley.gov.uk |
Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership | Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Safeguarding Children Unit PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9GG |
N/A |
Public Health | Assistant Director of Public Health PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9GGÂ |
N/A |
Home Office | Alcohol Licensing Team Lunar House 40 Wellesley Road Croydon CR9 2BY |
alcohol@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk |
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or