Youth Council

Who are we?

Barnsley Inclusive Youth Voice is a representative name for all the young people aged 11 to 25 experiencing SEND and SEMH. These young people represent themselves, their educational settings, youth groups and peers. They regularly meet with wider youth groups to share experiences. They also provide a chance for more young people to have a voice.

Inclusive Youth Voice participants work with fellow Youth Council members, Care4Us members and council decision makers. They make sure young people are included and considered in the processes. This makes sure services for young people reflect their needs.

Together they make a difference!

What we do

We work with Barnsley Youth Voice and Participation team to promote youth voice and engagement. We make sure young people with SEND/SEMH are consulted and can contribute to have a positive impact on change. Forum members work closely with key decision makers. This makes sure all young people are involved in the developments of services and matters that affect them.

Join our Inclusive Youth Voice group

We'd like more young people to become part of our group. We want to provide a chance for all young people with SEND/SEMH in Barnsley to have their voices heard. We want them to get involved in the processes for decision making on matters that affect them.

If you're interested in representing your educational setting or youth group email You'll need to be willing to regularly meet with your peers.

The group supported a consultation to find out what offers young people with SEND would like to see available post 16. They're working with fellow Youth Voice group members. They're working to implement and promote the Commitment to Tackling Bullying and Harassment of Young People Barnsley. They'll also be supporting the SEND conference in July 2023

Post 16 offers

BMBC have a mandate to develop and co-produce the post-16 offer for young people (16 to 24). This was after approval by Cabinet on 25 January 2023. This will be done with EHCP’s across Education, Health, and Care.  Inclusive Youth Voice participated in a consultation to share what their post looks like.  Including how they can be improved and what offers they'd like available.

Commitment to tackling bullying and harassment of young people Barnsley - a partnership approach

Inclusive Youth Voice reps have been working with their fellow Youth Council and Care4us members. We've created a presentation that promotes the commitment to tackling bullying and harassment of young people.

Weekly campaign sessions

Each Monday, reps meet with Youth Councillors and Care4us members.  They work on topics that fall into the most recent Make Your Mark votes. These topics were voted by top issues by young people locally.

Monthly social sessions

Once a month Inclusive Youth Voice rep, Youth Councillors and Care4Us members can come together without a work focus. They take part in team games, socialise and maintain relations with the Youth Voice team encouraging social collaboration and interaction.

Participation and engagement for young people, parents and carers

We make sure all children and young people with SEND have a voice and have chances to take part. We also raise awareness, increase understanding, and influence change through contribution and commitment.

Our young people said: We work really hard with the youth voice team and decision makers. We make sure all young people with SEND have a voice. Their voices, as well as ours, are now being heard recognised and addressed.

Read our engagement and participation strategy.

Our key priorities

We would like to improve on:

  1. Educational provisions and staff understanding of SEND. Young people would like more staff training and SEND support.
  2. Preparation for Independence. Young people would like better chances to build skills and more SEND employment opportunities.  
  3. Health and Wellbeing. Young people would like clear pathways and support for diagnosis, with better and faster support for mental health.
  4. Social activities. Young people would like more activities and clubs for young people with SEND.
  5. Transport to be made more accessible.
  6. Accessible community spaces and support to build the skills needed to become independent in the community.
  7. Bullying. Young people don't condone bullying, they want to create a society of inclusion, acceptance and understanding.  

Local offer

This gives you information about support and services. We want to make sure you have the information you need. 

We want all young people and children to access and give feedback on how we can improve our local offer. Young people with SEND have some great ideas. They know all about the sort of services that should be available on the local offer. They know what services are needed to support young people move towards independence and adulthood.

Access our local offer.

Additional information