The mayor is a ceremonial post held by a member of the council and elected annually. The mayor is the town's first citizen and has the civic responsibility of representing and promoting the borough.
The first Mayor of Barnsley was Henry Richardson who was appointed in 1869 and the first female mayor, elected by a Labour-controlled council, was Mary Brannon in 1956.
To date, Barnsley has had 154 mayors. The 154th mayor of Barnsley, Cllr John Clarke JP officially began his term as mayor in May 2024 and will fulfil his role until May 2025. The mayor is supported by his wife, Mrs Doreen Clarke, who will be mayoress.
You can follow the mayor on X @Mayor_Barnsley.

Role of the mayor
The mayor supports a wide variety of events throughout Barnsley. He also represents the borough at national and international events, functions and engagements. This includes:
- acting as a host at functions organised by us
- attending functions and engagements within Barnsley and sometimes outside the town, as a ceremonial representative of the council
- going to official openings or presentations on behalf of the council
- representing the council during royal, celebrity or other VIP visits to the town
- raising vital funds through charity work for the mayor’s chosen charities
The mayor’s biography
Councillor John Clarke JP was appointed as the mayor in May 2024 at the official Mayor Making Ceremony in the town hall. He's been formally elected to serve as the mayor of Barnsley for 2024 to 2025.
Cllr Clarke JP has served the Worsbrough ward as local councillor since 2010. he'll carry on doing this until at least 2026. During the year leading up to his appointment as mayor, Cllr Clarke JP also held the position of Barnsley’s Deputy Mayor. This puts him in good stead for the year ahead.
Cllr Clarke JP was born in Malta as his dad was based there during his national service, along with his mum, Irene, before returning back to the United Kingdom. Cllr Clarke JP attended Worsbrough High School, before starting work for the National Coal Board (NCB) in 1969. He was elected union official for the National Union of Mineworkers. During that time, he also attended Sheffield University to study economics and industrial relations as part of his role as a union official.
After the closure of the coal industry, he retrained as an advanced driving instructor. He ran his own business until retiring in 2015.
Since becoming a councillor for the Worsbrough ward, he's devoted his time to bringing the local community together, giving them opportunities and serving their needs. He also volunteered as a Magistrate at Barnsley Court for 16 years. He served on the bench, dealing with a wide range of cases.
Cllr Clarke JP is married to Doreen and has two daughters, Lauren and Elizabeth. Doreen also attended Worsbrough High School and then worked at John Halidays in Worsbrough until their children were born. After the children had grown up, Doreen returned to work as deputy manager for Action for Children, and later Debra Charities, until retiring.
Cllr Clarke would say that Doreen has always been a great support during his time as a councillor and more recently Deputy Mayor. She'll continue to support him as mayoress during his role as the mayor of Barnsley.

Mayor's charities
Each year, the incoming mayor of Barnsley selects their mayoral charity or charities for the year which are always local to Barnsley.
Cllr Clarke JP has chosen two charities for 2024-25 which are both close to his heart. All money raised throughout the year from his mayoral fundraising activities and charity work will be equally split between the two charities at the end of the mayoral year.
The mayoral charities for 2024 to 2025 are:
Age UK Barnsley
Age UK Barnsley is an independent local charity. Their aim is to support the health and wellbeing of all older people living in the borough. The charity wants to make sure that every older person feels valued, supported, and empowered.
They offer a wide range of services including support and activity groups. This includes shopping support, a handyman and gardening service, wellbeing treatments and a free information and advice service.

The Well, Barnsley Hospital Charity
The Well for Wellbeing is a complementary and beauty therapy service offered to all cancer patients in Barnsley. The Well is funded and supported through the Barnsley Hospital Charity and offers packages of therapeutic care and beauty therapies. This includes acupuncture and massages, brow stencilling and manicures. Other services include advice and tuition on scarf and headwear tying and yoga classes.

Mayor's theme
Each year, the mayor chooses a theme which summarises their ethos or focus for the borough and its communities during the year.
Here, the Mayor of Barnsley tells us about his chosen theme for 2024 to 2025:
"The theme we've chosen for the forthcoming year is kindness and respect. Unfortunately, we see too many examples in this modern world where the most basic kindness and respect for the people we live alongside and the environment that we live in, has, in many cases, lost its value.
"The lady Mayoress and I will strive to highlight the many acts of kindness and respect that make our communities a happier place for everyone to enjoy. This can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and inclusion. We hope this will also encourage others to pass on the good deeds they've experienced themselves, spreading kindness and respect within our communities.
Our borough prides itself on being a welcoming, friendly and inclusive place, where everyone is treated the same regardless of any differences, whether that be age, ethnicity or sexual orientation. We’re determined to make sure that we live up to this accolade by embedding this kindness and mutual respect within our communities and future generations.
Respect is not just about people, it’s about the place and environment in which we live. We live in a beautiful borough, and I feel proud to call it my home. But, we need to work together to make sure everyone shows it the respect it deserves to protect it today and always."
The deputy mayor
The deputy mayor of Barnsley for 2024-25 is Cllr David James Leech who will support and deputise for the mayor at events and engagements when needed.
Cllr Leech was first elected in October 2011 to serve the St Helen’s Ward as local councillor - which he will continue to do until at least May 2026. Cllr Leech has expressed what an honour it’s been to serve and support the residents of St Helen’s over the last 13 years – and counting!
Cllr Leech was born in Athersley, before shortly moving to Cudworth where he attended Cudworth Secondary Modern School. After leaving school, he joined her Majesty's Forces, serving with the 3rd Battalion of The Light Infantry where he went on to serve in Germany, Northern Ireland and Cyprus. Upon leaving the forces, he worked for 14 years for what was the Yorkshire Traction bus company.
After gaining his HGV Licence, he went on to work for Truswell haulage where he's been for the past 31 years. Cllr Leech is looking forward to retiring in late July this year.
Cllr Leech has been married to his wife Alison for nearly 44 years and has two children -Rebecca and John-David. After leaving school, Alison trained to be a hairdresser at Leslie Frances and went on to be a doctor’s receptionist in Wombwell where she still works today. Alison is also looking forward to joining Cllr Leech in retirement later this year.
How to invite the mayor to an event
The mayor is always happy to promote and support events that raise the profile of Barnsley and its people – both in the borough and beyond.
The mayor’s diary is a busy one and fills up quickly. If you’d like to invite the mayor to an event or function, please give at least 10 days notice.
To invite the mayor, please fill in our online invitation form and we'll let you know as soon as possible whether the invitation can be accepted.