Our plan
Our Council Plan for 2021-24 shows what we aim to achieve over the next three years to improve things for you and your community.
It helps us to be clear about our priorities, how we're going to work to deliver them, and how we can make a difference with the reducing amount of resources available to us. The plan is based on the council's vision: Barnsley – the place of possibilities.
Delivering the plan
To help us deliver the priorities in the council plan, we have a number of key strategies, listed below, that set out the detail of the work we need to do. These key strategies are also underpinned by additional supporting strategies and policies.
Strategy/plan | What the strategy/plan will help us to do |
Active Travel in Barnsley 2019 - 2033 | To create a borough where active travel is a preferred choice, supported by a connected network of high quality, safe and inviting cycle routes and footpaths for all people to use. |
Asset Management Strategy 2017-2020 | To improve how we manage our land and property. Supporting growth in jobs, housing and regeneration. Working to make sure there are enough school places and good learning environments for children to learn. |
Barnsley Economic Renewal Action Plan | Outlines the immediate help for local people, employers and places, and puts us on the road towards social and economic renewal post-pandemic. It will help people, employers and places recover, and put us on course to make our economy and society stronger, greener and fairer. |
Barnsley's safer road strategy 2023 to 2033 | This strategy intends to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads. |
Carers' Strategy | A strategy for carers by carers. Helping to support carers as one of our most valuable assets. |
Children and Young People's Plan 2023-2026 | Work to make sure all Barnsley children and young people are given the best start in life and everyone enjoys a happy healthy life, regardless of who they are and where they live. |
Children in care and care leavers strategy 2022-2025 | Outlines the support available for care-experienced young people and young people leaving care, and how we plan to help them achieve their potential in Barnsley. |
Customer Experience Strategy | It outlines the way we'll seek to support our customers in accessing the many services that we offer. |
Digital Barnsley Strategy | It outlines our ambition of creating a digital town, enriching the lives of citizens with modern, simple digital experiences and acting as a beacon for high value business investment and employment. |
Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2027 | Outlines how we will work, together with our partners, to tackle and prevent domestic abuse in Barnsley. |
Energy Strategy 2015-2025 | Reduce energy consumption and encourage and support businesses and local communities across the borough to engage and invest in greater energy efficiency and local, low carbon, energy production. |
Health and Care - The Barnsley Plan 2016-2020 | To help the people of Barnsley to take control of their health and wellbeing and enjoy happy, healthy and longer lives. |
Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2030 | Tackle health inequalities in Barnsley by taking action on the wider determinants of health, across a person’s life from Starting Well to Living Well and Ageing Well. |
Housing Strategy | Support the building of new houses and reduce the number of empty homes. Support younger, older and vulnerable people to live independently. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2026 | The Barnsley Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy will help to ensure that we have the conditions and culture to enable everyone within the local community to achieve their potential. This means that all residents of Barnsley will be able to enjoy those things that help them feel positive about their lives, and gain access to high-quality support and compassionate services when they need them. |
Productivity Plan 2024-2025 | Our productivity plan demonstrates the achievements we have made so far. It also shows our future plans to maximise efficiency from our available resources. This includes how we deliver value for money for our residents, how we are embracing technology to support service delivery, and what barriers we want government to help with. |
Public Health Strategy 2018-21 | Work together to tackle the problem of poor health in children, young people and their families across the borough. Give every child in Barnsley the best start in life. |
SEND Strategy 2022-2025 | How we deliver support and provision to children and young people in Barnsley with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). |
SEND Placement Sufficiency Strategy 2017-20 | Maximise available resource to ensure children and young people have access to the right school provision to meet their needs, wherever possible within borough. |
Transport Strategy 2014-2033 | Improve transport links and public transport offered in our area. |
How we measure our progress
We ask our customers, community and partners to provide feedback.
We report our progress on a quarterly basis so you can see what we've achieved so far.