Our council

Find out about the level of SEND in Barnsley:

  • education, health and care plans (EHCPs)
  • level of SEN support in schools

Education, health and care plans (EHCPs)

This data is correct as of January 2022:

  • 29.1% of the population in Barnsley are aged 0-25.
  • 2311 plans are maintained.
  • 4.5% of pupils in Barnsley schools have an EHCP.
EHCP context in Barnsley

EHCP % by school place

  • 2.7% primary
  • 3% secondary
  • 100% special
EHCP % by school place

EHCP age breakdown

Age Percentage 
0-4 3.2%
5-10 33.8%
11-15 39.5%
16-19 20.4%
20-25 3.1%

Primary need - all state funded schools

EHCP need Number of EHCPs
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 436
Speech, language and communication need (SLCN) 308
Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) 268
Moderate learning difficulty (MLD) 128
Specific learning difficulty (SpLD) 69
Physical disability (PD) 67
Specific learning disability (SLD) 49
Hearing impairment (HI) 33
Profound, multiple learning disability (PMLD) 28
Other (OTH) 26
Visual impairment (VI) 17
Multi sensory impairment (MSI) 4
EHCP - primary need - all state funded schools

Barnsley SEN support

This data is correct as of January 2022:

SEN support % by school place

  • 10.9% all schools
  • 11.1% primary
  • 11.1% secondary
SEN support % by school place

Primary need - all schools

SEN support need Number
Moderate learning difficulty (MLD) 1042
Speech, language and communication need (SLCN) 877
Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) 871
Specific learning difficulty (SpLD) 372
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 328
Other (OTH) 131
Physical disability (PD) 82
Hearing impairment (HI) 60
Visual impairment (VI) 37
Specific learning disability (SLD) 17
Multi sensory impairment (MSI) 7
No specialist assessment (NSA) 5
SEN support - primary need - all state funded schools