A new Local Plan-related consultation is now open. The Local Plan (adopted on 3 January 2019) contains policies to be considered when determining planning applications. Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) contain further advice and explain how these policies will be applied.
A number of SPDs were adopted following the adoption of the Local Plan. A new SPD on Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Adaptation has been prepared and we’re asking for your views.
We would like to receive comments during the consultation period running from 10am on Monday 28 November 2022 to 5pm Friday 6 January, 2023. Comments received will be considered when drafting the final versions of the documents.
You can read the consultation document and make comments using our online form on our website at www.barnsley.gov.uk/spd-and-local-validation-requirements
The document can also be viewed online or as paper copies at Library @ the Lightbox, 1 The Glassworks, Barnsley Town Centre, and at all branch libraries across the borough, during normal opening hours. You can access the internet for free at all libraries in Barnsley.
If you can’t complete the online form you can also submit your comments by:
- email: planningpolicy@barnsley.gov.uk
- post: Planning Policy, Regeneration and Culture, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, PO Box 634, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 9GG
Please use one method of reply only to avoid duplication of representations.
Comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 6 January, 2023.
You can read about what you can expect when Barnsley Council collects and processes your personal information at www.barnsley.gov.uk/privacy. We will produce and publish a document summarising comments made. We will not publish your personal information.
If you need any further information please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01226 772606.
Opening date: Monday 28 November 2022, 10am
Closing date: Friday 6 January, 2023, 5pm