Cabinet to consider Motor Race Order request

Next week, Cabinet members will discuss Sheffield and Hallamshire Motor Club's request for a Motor Race Order for a closed Road Rally on Sunday 10 December.

The event requires the closure of a number of roads in the Penistone East and Penistone West wards. This event is not organised, sponsored or promoted by Barnsley Council.  

The potential impact on the local community, including residents and businesses, will be carefully considered as well as disruptions to residents, local businesses and the impact on road safety. Following these considerations and the potential risks associated with the event, Cabinet will make the decision whether to approve the Motor Race Order for the Road Rally. 

Cllr James Higginbottom, Cabinet Spokesperson for Environment and Highways said: “Our primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. 

“The decision to approve or object will come with careful consideration and assessments on whether the event can be carried out safely and successfully.” 


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