New and updated supplementary planning documents adopted following consultations

The updated Design of Housing Development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and new Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Adaptation SPD were adopted on Thursday 27 July 2023 following periods of consultation.

The Local Plan, adopted in January 2019, contains policies to be considered when reviewing planning applications. Supplementary Planning Documents contain further advice and explain how these policies will be applied. They were adopted following the approval of the Local Plan.

A consultation took place from Monday 3 October 2022 to Monday 31 October 2022 covering proposed changes to the Design of Housing SPD, which would include a requirement for 26% of all new homes to meet the M4(2) standard, meaning they are accessible and adaptable for wheelchair users. It also requires 6% of all new homes to meet the more stringent M4(3) standard, meaning they are already suitable for wheelchair users to live in permanently.

Additional proposals looked to clarify the definition of a ‘large dwelling’ as four bedrooms or more, rather than the current definition of ‘four or five’, as well as changes to garage and parking requirements, additional requirements for tree planting, and additional detail on the requirement for developments to have waste management plans.

After consultation, we made amendments to the document to clarify some of the issues previously within them to improve its implementation.

A separate consultation ran from Monday 28 November 2022 to Friday 6 January 2023, asking for your views on a new Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Adaptation SPD. This document makes clear what our expectations are for developments in terms of sustainability to help us achieve our Zero45 target to reduce carbon emissions across the borough to net-zero. It also indicates where we would welcome and encourage higher standards than those required nationally.

After the consultation period, we amended the document, taking the feedback received into account.

Councillor Robert Frost, Cabinet spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, said: “I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to engage with our consultation on the Supplementary Planning Documents. It's important that you were able to have your say.

"The comments we received throughout the process were taken into consideration when drafting the final versions of the documents, which will support the aims of our Local Plan for a sustainable Barnsley.

"We're ambitious about bringing jobs and investment into the borough, which brings planning applications for new buildings. We also have a government requirement of delivering at least 900 additional homes a year.

"Therefore, we must have a robust planning process in place so we can have appropriate and sustainable growth while providing a variety of housing so our residents can live in a home that is right for them. It's also vital in making sure we help Barnsley to be net zero carbon by 2045 and protect our borough for future generations."

All of the documents are available to view online at They can also be viewed online or as paper copies at Library@ the Lightbox and all branch libraries across the borough during normal opening hours.

For further information, please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at or by calling 01226 772 606.

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