Nine ambitions for overall wellbeing outlined in new Barnsley Children and Young People’s Plan

Our Cabinet members will be asked to endorse the publication of the new draft Barnsley Children and Young People’s Plan at their next meeting on Wednesday, 28 June. 

The plan is part of our ongoing statutory duty for promoting the overall wellbeing of Barnsley’s children and young people. 

The new and refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan, sets out the proposed vision for improving the range of outcomes for all children and young people in Barnsley and to promote their overall wellbeing, based upon evidence such as the Barnsley Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 

The new Plan has been co-produced with our local statutory partners and has been significantly informed by the insight of children, young people and families in the borough, either directly or through bodies, including the Barnsley Youth Council and Care4Us Council, into the challenges they face.  

They gave their views on the issues which matter most in their lives and what local multi-agency partners can do to help them become more resilient to these challenges and achieve their hopes and aspirations. 

Members will be informed that the plan has been developed in the aftermath of the greatest challenge to public health in living memory and in the current context of widespread, deepening inequalities in health, attainment and income, which have been further impacted by the rising costs of living. 

The plan contains nine ambitions, summarised as follows: 

  1. Children, young people and their families lead healthy and happy lives. 
  2. Children and young people are safe and protected from all forms of harm. 
  3. Children and young people get a good education, are ambitious and able to reach their potential.  
  4. Children and young people are ready for work and are enabled to make progress in their employment.  
  5. All providers of children and family services are valued and supported to thrive. 
  6. Barnsley is a child, young people and family friendly place in which to live, work and visit. 
  7. To help protect our place and planet for future generations. 
  8. For children, young people and families to be proud of and active where they live 
  9. That the Council and its partners on the Barnsley Children and Young People’s Trust will work strategically and seamlessly to achieve more and better outcomes for children, young people and families in the borough.  

Our progress against these ambitions will be overseen by the multi-agency partners which form the Barnsley Children and Young People’s Trust Executive Group, together with the newly formed Children’s Services Development Board.  

The Board’s responsibility will be to ensure that progress is achieved against the priorities for investment highlighted in the recent ‘Strengthening Children’ Plan of immediate actions, recently approved by Cabinet. 

If Cabinet members agree the contents of this draft report, it will then be submitted for approval and adoption at the meeting of Full Council on 27 July.  

The Cabinet report and draft plan can be read in full on our website.

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