Our commitment to improving the borough for everyone

UPDATE: Thursday 25 July 2024

Our new Council Plan, was approved at Full Council on 25 July, continues our commitment to make brave investments in our borough while making a real difference for you. 

Healthy Barnsley 

Health on the High Street builds on the success of the trailblazing NHS Community Diagnostic Centre. We’ll transform parts of the Alhambra Shopping Centre into a health and wellbeing hub.  

We’ll continue to design integrated approaches to health and care and work with our partners to tackle local health inequalities through initiatives like How’s Thi Ticker and Yorkshire Smokefree Barnsley. 

Learning Barnsley 

Our enrichment programme, Great Childhoods made possible aims to give children the opportunities and experiences they deserve. We’ve secured funding for the Northern Academy for Vocal Excellence (NAVE), which will host the Barnsley Youth Choir. 

Development of the new and exciting Barnsley Youth Zone will provide a safe and aspirational place for young people. Hosting first class facilities in sports, arts, performance and enterprise. 

Growing Barnsley 

We’ll establish a national centre of excellence for digital and artificial intelligence technologies, preparing businesses and residents for the future and making sure that our workforce has the right skills.

The Glass Works continues to drive our town centre growth and we remain committed to investing in our Principal Towns and Local Centres, improving the local areas for everyone to enjoy. 

We want to prepare young people and people not in employment for rewarding and sustainable work via our Pathways to Work programme. 

Sustainable Barnsley 

We’re working with partners to make sure that everyone feels supported to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. We’re committed to building on the 11km of active travel routes across the borough and our A61 active travel scheme focuses on enhancing connectivity so that everyone has accessible routes for walking and cycling. 

Through our Affordable Warmth initiatives and bringing together organisations, we want to help our residents to live in warm, healthy, energy-efficient homes. 

Sarah Norman, Chief Executive of Barnsley Council, said: “We’re proud of the progress we’ve made in our ambitions for Barnsley which was acknowledged by winning the fantastic accolade of two Council of the Year awards. We’re the first council to have won both awards in the same year. We’ve shown that we’re a bold, ambitious and forward-thinking council that delivers positive outcomes for our residents, businesses and communities.   

“We have a clear vision for Barnsley to be a place of possibilities, and we’re determined to achieve it. Our Council Plan sets out our journey over the next three years where we’ll continue to innovate, collaborate and transform our services to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.” 

You can read our Council Plan on our website.

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