Blacker Green Lane, Silkstone; Eastfield Lane, Hood Green; Park Lane, Oxspring - proposal


Temporary road closure


An order will be made to close the following from 14 August 2023 for approximately six weeks. The roads will be closed for three days only sometime during this period: 

  • Blacker Green Lane from Noblethorpe Lane to its termination. 

  • Eastfield Lane from Pinfold Lane to outside house number 2. Diversion route: Pinfold Lane/Thurgoland Hall Lane/Hollin Moor Lane/Bagger Wood Road/Bagger Wood Hill. 

  • Park Lane from Cross Lane to Long Lane. Diversion route: Cross Lane/Long Lane. 


Carriageway retread works.


Barnsley MBC Environment and Transport, telephone: 01226 773555.