Headstone and memorials
The owners of graves or their next of kin are in charge of the upkeep of headstones or memorials. If a family headstone or memorial is unsafe, you can have it repaired by a stonemason. You'll be responsible for the cost of fixing the headstone or memorial back into a safe order.
We can offer a memorial repairs service which is guaranteed for quality and work. We are approved by the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons. Only memorial stonemasons accredited by us can carry out work.
We'll routinely inspect headstones and memorials, to look for damage and identify how stable they are. Where headstones or memorial are unsafe, we'll lay them flat to avoid injury to visitors.
Our first priority is to make the grave safe. We'll contact families to let them know what action we have taken, if we have their details. We’ll also leave a sticker at the location to tell people what to do next. Please don't attempt to lift a headstone or memorial that has been laid flat.
Contact us
Please tell us about an unsafe headstone or memorials. It helps us to find the stone if you describe where it is in the cemetery. Please also tell us the names on the plot if you can.
You can email at bereavementservices@barnsley.gov.uk or call (01226) 206053.
You can also tell us about any other issue at a cemetery, such as dog fouling, vandalism, anti social behaviour or theft.