Tenders and contracts

Strategic procurement

Our main aims are to provide information, guidance, advice and support to other departments during the procurement process, to manage our own specialist categories and to maintain policy and strategy with central government objectives and guidelines.

Procurement Act 2023 changes for 24 February 2025 go live

Changes to the public sector rules in relation to procurement and contract management

On 24 February 2025 new procurement legislation starts.  This means some changes to how goods, works and services are procured within the public sector.  Due to this the way we procure and some of the systems we use will change. 

It’s important our suppliers are aware of the changes. You can read GOV.UK short guide for suppliers and also find out about transforming public procurement

How to register to tender

Suppliers will need to be registered on the Central Digital Platform to tender so its important you do this as soon as you can. You can read the Central Digital Platform factsheet to help you with this.

Cabinet Office - Get Ready Webinars

To support readiness for the new regime, the Cabinet Office are running two webinars for suppliers and other external organisations in January. These sessions will focus primarily on what the key changes are, how the central digital platform will work including a live demonstration.  It will be an opportunity to ask questions on your own preparations for go live.

You can book your place using the links below:

The sessions will be recorded and made available via GOV.UK for those unable to attend.

Go4Growth Webinars

Go4Growth are hosting events about the changes.  You can book a place at Go4Growth events.  Some events are more focused around suppliers and some are more appropriate for public sector bodies.

Working with us

Depending on the type and size of contract, we search for suitable suppliers using a number of systems and solutions.

If you are a supplier interested in doing business with us, you can find out about forthcoming business opportunities by registering your details at YORtender.

Our tender platform

On the 1 January 2022 we migrated across to our new online tendering system which is still called YORtender. YORtender is the Tender Management System used by 28 councils across the Yorkshire and Humber region.

All tender and quote opportunities we release will require information to be submitted through this system.

Many of the tenders and quotes that we advertise contain a YORtender contract reference number, which can be used to access relevant supporting documents and further information regarding the tender.

Register your details at YORtender. Please try to avoid duplicate supplier registrations wherever possible. If you have any issues during registration you can email uksupport@eu-supply.com or call 0800 840 2050 during office hours (9am to 5pm).

Your organisation may already be registered if you've used any EU-Supply.com tender portals in the past, and if this is the case we'd encourage you to check your organisation profile is accurate with suitable contact details included.

This supplier portal video provides instructions, including an overview, tender searching and how to participate and respond to a tender.

It is extremely important that you follow these instructions and any guidance within them to ensure you continue to access tender opportunities from Yorkshire and Humber Authorities.

How we advertise opportunities

All relevant opportunities will be advertised on YORtender. Search current opportunities. All relevant opportunities over £25,000 will also be advertised on Contracts Finder.

Tenders over the EU thresholds will additionally be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) until 11pm on the 31 December and the Find a Tender Service (FTS) notification system thereafter.

For contracts up to £100,000 for goods and services and £250,000 for works

For expenditure up to £100,000 for goods and services and up to £250,000 for works, where there is no in-house provider or contract already in place, we follow the procedures below:

  • If the contract is estimated to be up to £50,000 a Procuring Officer will ensure value for money is being obtained
  • If the contract is estimated to be up to £10,000 for goods and services and up to £250,000 for works a minimum of three quotations will be obtained, with a minimum of two from local providers (Where possible).
  • If requirements are complex or difficult to describe, for example where we are procuring a bespoke service, we may seek quotes from the open market, regardless of the value of the contract.

For contracts over £100,000 for goods and services and £250,000 for works

For contracts over £100,000 for goods and services and £250,000 for works, where there is no in-house provider or corporate contract for the goods and services we need, a competitive tendering process will be followed.

This means we will ask organisations to submit competitive bids (tenders) to us. By doing this we can ensure that public money is spent in a way that is fair, open, honest and accountable.

The only exception to this rule is where a reason not to competitively tender for a contract has been agreed and financial regulations have been waived, for example where there is only one supplier or timescales are very short due to an emergency situation.

Public Contract Regulations 2015

Contracts over certain high values are also subject to the Public Contract Regulations 2015. These directives require us to:

  • advertise and award contracts in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) up to 31 December 2020 and in the Find a Tender Service (FTS) from 1 January 2021
  • follow specified timescales and
  • award contracts, either on the basis of 'lowest price', or 'most economically advantageous tender' (a consideration of both quality and cost)

The public contract regulations apply to contracts that exceed the following amounts (as of January 2024):

Type of contract Exc VAT (assumes standard rate of 20%) Inc VAT (assumes standard rate of 20%)
Goods and services £179,086 £214,904
Works £4,477,174 £5,372,609
Light Touch Regime (LTR) £552,950 £663,540

The thresholds vary from time to time and have traditionally been amended every two years on 1 January.

All public sector procurement, regardless of how much is being spent, is governed by the principle of equality of treatment, non-discrimination and transparency.

Social Value Act 2012

The Public Services (Social Value Act 2012) places a duty on us to have regard to economic, social and environmental wellbeing in connection with public services contracts and for connected purposes.

The act puts a legal obligation on us to consider social value in all procurements that must comply with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and it should be considered in procurement below this threshold as good practice.

The act requires us to consider the economic, environmental and social benefits of their approaches to procurement at the pre-procurement stage and should consider the following as part of the obligations under the act:

  • How what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the 'relevant area'.
  • How in conducting a procurement process it might act with a view to securing that improvement.
  • Consultation prior to procurement, eg communities and users of services, local firms, voluntary sector and other local organisations.

Please read our social value policy for further information on how we embed social value principles and make it the duty of everyone involved in commissioning, procurement and project delivery to be responsible for the delivery of social value.

Social value in the procurement process

Where applicable, the Council utilises the National TOMs framework for measuring and reporting social value.

The TOMs are nationally recognised and were launched by the National Social Value Task Force. The task force is sponsored by the Local Government Association (LGA).

During the competitive tendering process, bidders are asked to make commitments to provide specific social value themes, outcomes and measures (TOMs) as part of the bidding stage of tenders.

The commitment of bidders to deliver social value through the TOMs forms part of the evaluation process.

The delivery of these commitments is contract-managed to ensure the social value identified is delivered.

How we award contracts

There are four main ways in which we competitively tender contracts:

  • Open procedure
  • Restricted procedure
  • Competitive dialogue procedure
  • Approved list and framework arrangements

Definitions of what all these terms mean can be found on the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) website.

These are well established procedures which we follow to ensure we get the best value for money. The process we follow will be determined by a range of factors, including:

  • value of contract
  • number of suppliers in the market
  • the complexity of our requirements
  • timescales

Regardless of the process followed, all bids are evaluated according to clear, pre-published criteria by a panel of experienced officers, and contracts will be awarded on the basis of value for money, which means a balance of quality and cost.

The Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO)

We are one of the founder members of the YPO, along with 12 other local authorities in the north of England. The YPO supplies goods and services both through its catalogue and through framework agreements where direct supply contracts are arranged.

Find out more information on becoming a supplier with YPO

Tips for a successful bid

Be on time

Make sure information is provided by the deadline dates. If the information does not arrive promptly, we will not be able to consider it. We must be seen to be acting fairly and transparently by giving everyone the same opportunity.

Understand what is required

The initial advert is your chance to decide whether or not your business can undertake the contract. Every advert will contain a council contact person from whom further information can be obtained. If you have questions that need answering before you can decide whether or not to bid, take this opportunity to seek clarification.

Provide evaluation information requested in the invitation to tender

If you receive an invitation to tender you are being invited to make an offer, which we may accept. You must ensure you comply with all requirements at this stage because the decision on who is chosen will ultimately be based on criteria listed in the contract notice or invitation to tender. Make sure you provide all relevant information requested in respect of the price and quality criteria. If you are unsure, ask. As well as the quality criteria, make sure your offer is also competitive and offers value for money.

Additional support


As part of our ongoing commitment to market development, we're partnering with a business development program called Go4Growth. Go4Growth is designed to aid smaller organisations in any sector to enter or grow in the public sector marketplace. The program is funded by us, meaning businesses can join the programme. They'll be able to access the support, guidance, tools and resources on offer at no cost.

​​​​​​​You can find out how Go4Growth could support your business or get help to register to join the Go4Growth programme. Please visit the Go4Growth website to register. Further details can also be found on the Go4Growth homepage.


The Social Value Action Planning Tool is an online portal. It helps bidders when responding to our sustainability and social value criteria within our tender documentation. It's aim is to help organisations better understand and build their own action plan to enhance their social value abilities.

Social value is crucial to us and to make sure this is promoted we're giving people this free tool. It'll help our current and future suppliers build their own social value action plan.

It will allow organisations to explore their impacts and find practical ways to make a positive impact.

Please visit ​​​​​​​the NETpositive FUTURES webpage for access to this online tool.

Strategic objectives

You can take a look at our visions and values and our priorities and outcomes to get a sense of what we are looking to achieve over the coming years in our strategic objectives document. 

How we manage contracts

Our commercial strategy will focus on the key elements we feel are important to support us on our journey to operate as a more commercially focused organisation. A key aspect of this is to implement a best practice approach to managing contracts and supplier relationships.

Strategic Procurement and Contract Management are responsible for the development of policy and strategy, which is linked to a category management approach covering the whole cycle from identification of need, market engagement, tendering, contract award and mobilisation, contract management and exit planning. This is being developed with best practice guidance including that of the Government’s commercial function toolkit.

We will ensure our cost base and structures are efficient and lean and value for money will be at the heart of our core business, we will embed a culture of commercialism across all our employees to support the delivery of our aspirations.

  • Consideration of the whole life cost impact of decisions, including assessment of the market and benefits realised.
  • Improving efficiency for service delivery – reducing costs and streamlining our processes
  • Effective contract administration and a focus on performance management and relationship development
  • Maximising value for money from our contracts with a focus on managing risks
  • Delivering social value outcomes and environmental benefits.

Seven day payment pledge

Our standard payment terms are 30 days from the receipt of a valid undisputed VAT invoice.

In line with our inclusive economy agenda, we're keen to support suppliers and pay invoices as promptly as we can. Barnsley Council commits to pay all suppliers within seven days, however please note this is not a contractual obligation.

General terms and conditions

Please find links to our general terms and conditions below:

Contracts register

The contracts register information is made available to help your organisation know what we buy, how much we spend and with whom. It also includes a contact name should you wish to find out more details about any specific contract. Find out more about the contracts register on YORtender.

The register may also be of benefit to companies in identifying business opportunities, either as a main contractor or as a supplier or subcontractor within the supply chain.


As part of the government’s commitment to greater transparency, we have to make information on procurement visible.

The Council includes in its standard terms and conditions a freedom of information clause that requires the supplier to acknowledge that the council is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Suppliers should be aware that if they are awarded a tender, the resulting contract between the supplier and us will be published. In some circumstances limited redactions will be made to some contracts before they are published to comply with existing law.

Procurement pipeline

Our procurement pipeline provides a forward look of potential and current procurement activity.

For clarity:

  • There is no guarantee that any published opportunity will lead to a tender publication or contract award
  • The information in the pipeline reflects the anticipated procurement pipeline as at the publication date and may be subject to change
  • A decision to procure any of these requirements is subject to our decision-making process
  • The publication of value is an estimation for indicative purposes only
  • The information and material contained in this publication is provided for general information purposes only
  • The procurement pipeline will be updated every six months (minimum)

All notices and our current procurements are posted on the YORtender portal.

See our procurement pipeline.

Key strategies, policies and information

Our procurement activity plays a key role in contributing to the strategies of the council, through the goods, and services we choose to purchase. These key strategies are what we will look at as part of any tender process.