Barnsley Early Start and Family Services

All young children are entitled to the best possible education. This helps them become confident with a growing ability to communicate their own views. It makes sure they're ready move into compulsory education.

Early years providers must have tools in place to help children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This needs to include a clear approach to finding and responding to children’s needs. It must promote equality of opportunity for the children in your care.

Early years SEN support inclusion toolkit

You can download our early years SEN support inclusion toolkit.

If you need a graduated response document, you can request this by emailing

For more details visit the Barnsley Education Inclusion Services webpage.

Barnsley Early Years Inclusion Grant

The Early Years Inclusion Grant is to help early years providers support the needs a child with lower level or emerging SEN.

The grant should be used when a provider is unable to meet the costs from their own funds. It can be used to provide extra resources and help. It isn't expected to cover the full costs.

There's a limited amount of funding available, so not all eligible applications can be awarded the grant.

Who can apply

Early years or childcare providers who are registered on the Ofsted early years register can apply. Schools or academies who deliver 2, 3 and 4 year old funded places may also apply. This excludes 4 year olds who aren't in receipt of early years funding.

Who it's for

A 2, 3 or 4 year old funded child (excluding 4 year olds in a reception class) who:

  • has low level or emerging SEN, is on SEN support, or needs support which is over and above a reasonable adjustment

Priority will be given to a child’s funded hours. We'll consider applications for a child who accesses wrap around hours if these are paid for by their parent or carer.

Children who need an enhanced ratio whilst accessing short breaks would apply for the extra funding through the short breaks process.

What the grant covers

Funding to enhance staff to child ratios to provide support for an individual child with identified needs.

How much you can apply for

Funding to enhance staff to child ratios is paid at £8.00 per hour. This grant is to enhance the hourly rate already received by the provider in one of the following ways:

  • £4.90 (plus deprivation rate) early education funding (EEF)
  • £7.00 two year entitlement funding (TYE)

How do I work out how much I can apply for?

  • Rate - £8.00
  • Hours - The hours in a week when the child needs extra support. This isn't the hours they attend.
  • Weeks - The panel meets on the last Thursday of every month. Your calculation needs to start from the Monday following the meeting until the end of term. If you're applying mid term, you can also apply for the following term unless you know the child will leave sooner.

In summary your calculation needs to be: rate £8.00 x hours x weeks = total

How many weeks you can apply for

Funding is allocated on a termly basis, so if you apply at the start of term you can apply for a full term. If you apply to a panel mid term you can apply for the rest of the term plus the following term.

  • Each funded child can access a maximum of 38 weeks of funding.
  • Each child who accesses wraparound hours will be considered for a maximum of 48 weeks of funding per year. This is subject to availability.

Professional involvement

It's important to get support from a professional who is working with the child to support them. This will help the panel in making a decision. You need to record the advice and actions taken from the discussion, and how this feeds into the graduated response. You also need to record the date of the discussion. Clarify with the professional which SEN type would best describe the child’s need:

  • CI (communication interaction)
  • CL (cognition and learning)
  • SEMH (social emotional mental health)

How to apply

You can apply for the grant by filling in our online application form.

You need to upload the following documents as relevant:

  • support plan
  • integrated review action plan (both pages)
  • early years needs analysis 
  • early years focused plan
  • provision planner / map
  • graduated response document
  • supporting information from professionals
  • other evidence

You must make sure you have consent from the parent or carer of the child before applying. You'll need to confirm this on the application form.

You can also apply by filling in our paper inclusion grant application form. You'll then need to send this by secure email to before the submission dates. You'll also need to attach to the email:

Please contact us for help if you need this.

Continuing existing funding

If a child that has already received funding needs this for a further term, please fill in our online continuation form. 

You'll need to upload:

  • reviewed graduated response document
  • costed provision map

To make sure there's no gap in funding you need to submit this to the last panel meeting of the term that the child is currently funded for. See the submission dates 2024/2025 for more details.

You can also apply by filling in our paper continuation form. You'll then need to send this by secure email to before the submission dates. You'll also need to attach to the email:

  • reviewed graduated response document
  • costed provision map

Please contact us for help if you need this.

Case study form

Please complete our case study form and email this to if the child:

  • no longer requires extra support
  • is leaving at the end of term
  • has received an EHCP

Application outcomes

An application may have the following outcomes:

  • Successful - request granted in full.
  • Partially successful - some elements of the request granted.
  • Unsuccessful - resubmit with further or missing information.
  • Unsuccessful - professional as support requirements can be met by the setting making a reasonable adjustment.

Appeals against unsuccessful applications will be discussed at panel and reviewed by a service and strategy manager.

Disability Access Fund (DAF)

The DAF is for 3 and 4 year olds who receive child Disability Living Allowance and who receive the free early education fund entitlement.

DAF is paid to the child’s early years setting as a fixed annual rate of £910.00 per eligible child. This funding is not payable for children attending a reception class.

Please make sure proof of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) has been viewed. This must be done prior to ticking ‘ELIGIBLE FOR DAF’ on the portal.

Please also email with the child’s:

  • initials
  • date of birth
  • confirmation that the child is in receipt of DLA

For more details about the DAF, email

Short breaks

Short breaks offer a chance for a disabled child to experience enjoyable activities. These will be catered to their needs and give parents, carers and siblings a break from their caring duties.

A short break can last from a few hours to several days. It can be in the form of:

  • day care, including day nurseries and childminders (family hubs during term time only)
  • after school clubs
  • holiday clubs
  • sports and outdoor activities
  • overnight stays

To access short breaks provision the child must have a diagnosed disability which fits the short break criteria. The family need to show how they'll use the break time to benefit the whole family. Short breaks can't be used to replace childcare that enables parents to work.

Find out more about short breaks on the Local Offer website. You can also email or call 0800 034 5340.

More information

For more information

Call us on 0800 034 5340 or