Barnsley SENDIASS is a service for parents, carers and young-people that's designed and led by parents, carers and young people.


Minimum standards 

We have the Minimum Standards for Information Advice and Support Services (IASS, sometimes known as SENDIASS). It inspires us to be led by our service users. To listen to your views, wishes and feelings and design the future of the service around you. 

The standards also expect us to have a steering group. Including key stakeholders, mainly, parents, carers and young people. Also from across the education, health and social care sector.

About the SENDIASS Strategic Management Group

Our families describe the Strategic Management Group as those "driving the SENDIASS bus".  Helping to set our direction and including everyone on board.

You can read more about what we do in our SENDIASS service development plan 2024-2025

The SENDIASS Strategic Management Group meets often throughout the year. 

You can find up-to-date information about the group. When and how the group meets by browsing the SENDIASS Strategic Management Group Facebook Page

If you are interested in being a part of the Strategic Management Group, please visit the SENDIASS Strategic Management Group Facebook Page, or email us at: 

You can take a look at the minutes from our meetings to see what we're working on: 

Strategic Management Group minutes