Early help training

All practitioners need the skills and knowledge to effectively deliver early help. You'll need a commitment to working together to make it happen.

Early help training includes an introduction to combined working, its aims and key purpose. It also has the shared processes used for assessing and helping children and young people.

E-learning module – understanding what early help is

This 30 minute eLearning module is designed for all practitioners with whom have contact children, young people, and their families.

The content of the module will focus on:

  • understanding what early help is
  • understanding the role everyone plays in early help
  • developing your understanding of the whole family approach to early Help
  • identifying how to support families to engage in early help

Workshop 1 – when to do early help - early help is everyone's responsibility

This workshop is for all staff who come into contact with children, young people and families in their day-to-day role. This half a day session will help you to understand the whole family approach to early help assessment using the signs of wellbeing model.

Using group discussion and exercises, you'll work with colleagues from a wide range of services within Barnsley. You'll learn how to complete an early help assessment, which includes practice at completing worry statements and wellbeing goals as well as understanding the role everyone plays in early help.

You'll also understand what early help looks like and how to help children, young people and families in Barnsley.

Workshop 2 – How to do early help - the early help assessment process and toolkit

This workshop is for practitioners with a direct role in delivering early help. This half a day workshop will help you to gain knowledge, skills and confidence. This will help you to give effective and practical early help to families. You'll use interactive exercises, case studies and a range of tools and support available to you as a practitioner.

You'll learn how to use the early help assessment to support your role within the Family Network Action Plan, capturing the voice of the child and the family.

You'll gain knowledge and confidence in the role of lead practitioner and in knowing the different pathways of support and advice on offer to children, young people, and families.

Other training

Training courses can now be booked by the learner on our new learning management system, Pod.

Before booking any training you'll need to view one of the guides below. You can either choose to view the video guidance or the manual guide, however you learn best.

Employees - shows learners step by step how to book on a course, cancel a place etc:

Managers - shows managers how to approve or reject their team members booking requests:

We also have frequently asked questions. If you've followed the guidance and frequently asked questions and still have a query relating to Pod please email pod@barnsley.gov.uk.

You can also look at the multi agency training courses on Barnsley Safeguarding Children Partnership website.