What's Your Move
What's Your Move is about helping Barnsley to be more active for good physical and mental health. There's something for all of us out there that will help us move more. No matter how little or large your move may be, every minute counts. What's Your Move?
Be bright, Be seen, Be safe
Find out how to be bright, be seen and be safe this winter in Barnsley.
Hear from our champions
Running helps me to have bit of me time. I enjoy working to weekly targets and really feel the benefit of it. When things at work get a little stressful, I have a high amount of work on or I need a bit of thinking space, running really helps.
Being active has definitely helped my mental well-being. I feel more positive, brighter and happier when I am exercising often.
Don’t use age as a barrier to keeping yourself active. It's more important than ever as we get older, to keep ourselves moving because it does wonders for your mental health and it slows down the ageing process. And remember, it’s never too late to start!