Young people are at risk of infections (including HIV/AIDS) if they practise unsafe sex or inject drugs.
Babies who are breast fed by mothers who are HIV positive, or who are involved in the above unsafe practices may also be at risk. As may children who are cared for by someone who is HIV positive failing to reduce the risks of infection transfer.
Support is on offer for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years with HIV/AIDS. The help also applies to their carers, and/or expectant mothers. This is through their own doctor, GU Medicine at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust or Children's Social Care. Support may include:
- counselling
- therapies
- HIV testing
- preventative work
- advice and information
- access to HIV support groups.
Expert medical advice should be sought from the child's doctor or a consultant paediatrician to decide whether a child's welfare would be best served by a HIV test. Consultation should take place with parents and any other person with parental permission and advice given. Counselling should be offered for the child as the nature of the test and implications of a positive test need to be fully understood. This will make sure they can make an informed contribution in the process.
Where a young person is aged 16 years and over they must give informed consent before the HIV test is undertaken, and this consent must be documented. Any concerns about HIV testing should be referred to the health adviser. This can be found in GU Medicine at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
All women are offered advice about HIV during pregnancy. They can access HIV testing via GU Medicine at Barnsley Hospital. If a mother who is known to be HIV positive insists upon breast feeding, contact should take place with one of the assessment teams in Children's Social Care. Community midwives at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust can also provide the pre and post-natal care in partnership with health visitors.
Children and Young people who are HIV positive or are living with AIDS can access support via assessment team.
A range of other people including school nurses, health promotion specialists, PHSE staff in schools, social workers and carers can work together to help all children and young people. They help prevent them being exposed to risky conduct which could lead to infection.
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Contact us
Call the Assessment Team on 01226 772423
Opening times are Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and Fridays from 9am to 4:30pm
You can also call GU Medicine, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, on 01226 722599