Community premises include venues such as church halls, chapels and parts thereof.
Section 19 of the Licensing Act 2003 requires:
- all premises licensed for the sale of alcohol to have a designated premises supervisor (DPS)
- all sales of alcohol to be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence
Community premises can apply to have the standard mandatory conditions under section 19 removed from their premises licence. Removing the conditions allows them to operate without a DPS. Sales of alcohol on such premises can also be made without the need for a personal licence holder.
The fee to apply to remove the mandatory conditions from a licence is £23.
How to apply
You can request to remove the requirement for a DPS if the premises is in our licensing area. Only the management committee of the premises can apply. You'll need to provide the names of the committee's key officers.
You can apply by sending your completed community premises application form via email to We'll then contact you to follow this up and take payment.
You can also apply by post by sending your application and a cheque made payable to Barnsley MBC for the correct fee. Please send these to: Barnsley Council, Licensing, Regulatory Services, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG.
What happens next
We must be satisfied that the management of the premises by the committee or board is sufficient to ensure the supervision of the supply of alcohol.
If your application is successful, the licence holder will be responsible for the supervision and authorisation of all alcohol sales at the premises.
New applications for a community premises licence
Community premises applying for authorisation for the sale of alcohol for the first time can also request to remove the need for a DPS and personal licence holder. No further fee is needed on top of fee for the new application or variation. This fee is based on the rateable value of the premises.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or