Where premises are being, or are about to be, built or altered, you can apply for a provisional statement. This indicates if a premises licence is likely to be granted when the works are completed inline with the plans. It enables you to assess the feasibility of the proposed development.
If a provisional statement is granted, you'll still need to apply for a premises licence. You need to do this before the premises can be used for any licensable activities.
The fee for the grant of a provisional statement is £315.
How to apply
Any person aged 18 or over who has an interest in the premises can apply. A person in this context includes a:
- business
- firm of architects
- construction company
- financier
You can apply by sending your provisional statement application form and documents via email to licensing@barnsley.gov.uk. We'll then contact you to follow this up and take payment.
You can also apply by post by sending your application, documents and a cheque made payable to Barnsley MBC for the correct fee. Please send these to: Barnsley Council, Licensing, Regulatory Services, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG.
Your application must include:
- a schedule of works
- plan of the premises
- confirmation that the application has also been served to the responsible authorities
What happens next
The responsible authorities have 28 consecutive days to consider the application. Members of the public also have a 28-day period to make any relevant representations.
If no objections or relevant representations are made by responsible authorities or the public, we must grant the provisional statement on the 29th consecutive day. This will be subject to the mandatory conditions and the schedule of works.
For details of how all applications are processed, see our premises licence approval process.
Tacit consent
Tacit consent applies for this application. This means if you've not heard from us after 60 calendar days, you can act as though your application is granted.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or