Premises licensed to supply alcohol must have a designated premises supervisor (DPS). The DPS must be a personal licence holder. The DPS will normally be the person who is responsible for the day to day running of the premises.
If the DPS changes, the premises licence must be varied to show the new DPS. You need to tell us about the change as soon as possible. You also need to tell the chief officer of South Yorkshire police.
The new DPS must consent to take on the supervisor role.
The fee to vary a DPS is £23.
How to apply
You can apply to vary a DPS if the premises is within our licensing area. You can apply and pay the fee using our online form.
In the form you need to upload copies of the:
- application form to vary a DPS
- consent form from the proposed new DPS
- current premises licence
Only one DPS may be specified on a premises licence. Where frequent DPS changes are made, you can state the date on the form when the change should take effect.
You must always give the existing DPS notice of the change.
Applying by post
You can apply by post by sending your forms to: Barnsley Council, Licensing, Regulatory Services, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG. You must also give notice to:
- chief officer of South Yorkshire Police
- existing DPS
You can pay the fee using our online form. Select 'Pay for a DPS variation application submitted via post' as the reason you're applying. Your application isn't valid until you've paid the fee.
What happens next
The variation comes into immediate interim effect if you've ticked on your form that:
- you want the application to have immediate effect, and
- you're in a position to use the premises for the activities authorised (see Licensing Act 2003 section 38)
This ensures there's no interruption to normal business at the premises until the application is formally determined or withdrawn.
The chief officer of police has 14 days to consider the variation. This begins on the day they're notified of the application. They can either:
- object to the designation of the new DPS if they believe it would undermine the crime prevention licensing objective
- raise no objection
If we don't receive an objection, we'll grant the variation. This will usually be done within seven days of the end of the consultation period. We'll update the premises licence and email/post it to you.
Please read the premises licence approval process for more details about how all applications and changes are processed.
Tacit consent
Tacit consent applies to a DPS variation. This means if you've not heard from us after 60 calendar days, you can act as though your application is granted.
Request to be removed as a DPS
If you're specified as a DPS but leave the premises, please fill in our DPS removal request form. This confirms you no longer authorise the supply of alcohol at the premises.
After filling in the form:
- email it to
- give a copy to the premises licence holder
Until the licence holder applies to vary the DPS, any supply of alcohol at the premises would be unlawful.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or