Attending our council meetings

As a resident of Barnsley you're welcome to attend our meetings. Generally most meetings where decisions are made are open to the public and you can stay for as long as you want to. The meeting agenda will make it clear either way and will provide reasons if the public are to be excluded.

When and where meetings take place

Dates and times of meetings can be found on the calendar of council meetings. The agenda for specific meetings can usually be seen five days before the meeting, by clicking the links on the calendar.

Can I watch meetings online?

Watch our Full Council meetings live online. They’re also made available to watch a few days after the meeting.

Who usually attends public meetings?

The councillors who sit on a particular body will be present at meetings, one of whom chairs the meeting. Council officers may also attend meetings to give expert advice. However, the officers don’t have a vote at these meetings.

Asking a question at a public meeting

You can attend council meetings to listen to the discussions, except those where confidential or exempt items are being discussed. However, you can’t speak at most council meetings. The only exception is Planning Regulatory Board where you can speak in support of or in objection to a specific planning application.

If you want to make a comment on a matter to be discussed at a meeting you can contact your councillor.

Councillors can ask questions of each other in meetings. Our procedure rules allow that where in-depth answers can’t be given at the time, a written response can be provided to all members after the meeting. This isn’t a refusal to answer questions; it’s making sure that the person asking the question gets all of the information they've asked for.

Behaviour at public meetings

The government provides information for the public and press on attending meetings. It states that people acting in a disruptive manner could be asked to leave the meeting. This includes any action or activity which disrupts the conduct of meetings, such as displaying banners and signs.

Meetings you can't attend

Most of the council's business is conducted in public, but sometimes items need to be discussed in private. This could be because the item is commercially sensitive or is about a person. More details provided in our access to information procedure rules. The public may be asked to leave while such an item is discussed. The agenda will list any items that will be discussed in private.

For Cabinet meetings we’re also required to give 28 days’ notice of any items to be considered in private. These notices are published on the notices of private meetings web page.

How to present a petition to councillors

The council welcomes petitions as one way in which you can let us know your concerns.

For more details, email

Other ways to have your say

You can also have your say by taking part in our current consultations.