The following strategies and policies underpin the key strategies that help us to deliver the priorities set out in our Council Plan - the overarching plan for the council.
Strategies/policies | What the strategy/policy will help us to do |
Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2021-2024 | Develop, stimulate and support a market which can provide safe, effective, high quality and value for money care and support to the people of Barnsley. |
Adult Social Care Local Account 2022-2023 | Review what our Adult Social Care services have achieved over the past year. Looking at where we can improve in the future to help local people live happy, healthy lives. Our Local Account enables us to work towards our Better Lives ambitions. |
All Age Early Help Strategy 2017-2020 | Work to bring services together so that the people of Barnsley get the support they need. |
Anti-social behaviour policy | It outlines our commitment to reducing anti-social behaviour, improving the quality of life for local people and reducing crime and the fear of crime within our communities. |
Barnsley cold weather plan 2022-2023 | Outlines our plans to reduce excess winter deaths in Barnsley. It has been produced collaboratively with partners and aligned to our Barnsley 2023 outcomes and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. |
Barnsley's litter and environmental crime plan 2024-2030 | Our next steps towards making Barnsley more sustainable. Looking at how we'll tackle environment issues in our borough. |
Barnsley Town Centre Public Spaces Strategy | Improve the look of the town centre public areas. |
Berneslai Homes Strategic Plan | Provide good houses for customers. Work to make more houses available for renting and make sure these are allocated fairly. |
Community Asset Transfer Policy | Transfer ownership of land or property to community based organisations in Barnsley. |
Community Asset Transfer Procedure | Transfer ownership of land or property to community based organisations in Barnsley. |
Early Help Strategy 2022-2027 | How we'll provide support and help to children, young people and their families as soon as problems start to emerge or when it’s likely there’ll be problems in the future. |
Environmental Enforcement Policy | The health, wellbeing and safety of our residents, communities and visitors is very important. We are committed to working together with communities and its partners to maintain a clean and safe place to live, work and visit. |
Fair cost of care | Make sure that the cost of care in Barnsley is fair and of high quality. |
Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Licensing Policy - April 2016 | Ensure that gambling in Barnsley is carried out in a fair and open way. Protect children and vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling. |
Highway Asset Management Strategy 2016-2021 | Work to make sure roads are safe and maintained. |
Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-2028 | Working to prevent homelessness in the first place and helping those who are homeless build a better future. |
Housing and Support Commissioning Plan 2019 to 2024 | Shows how we aim to meet the housing and support needs of vulnerable adults with various levels of complexity of needs. |
Library Strategy | Outlining our vision for Barnsley's libraries. |
Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control | Protect our communities from the harm caused by smoking. |
Managing the Highway Asset Policy | Maintain and inspect roads so that they provide opportunities to travel to education, training, employment and leisure activities. |
Modern slavery statement | Sets out our actions to understand and respond to risks relating to modern slavery. |
People Strategy 2022-2025 | Helping our staff be the best they can be, making sure they feel empowered to share their ideas and have the support, opportunities and inclusive culture they need to thrive. Our People Strategy will help us be in the best place possible to deliver on our Barnsley 2030 ambitions and Council Plan priorities. |
Planning Compliance Policy | Make sure that people and companies comply with planning laws. |
Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy | Make sure we can safeguard and enhance the provision of pitch-based sports facilities throughout the borough. |
Public Arts Strategy Executive Summary | Rationale, framework and guidance to support the sustainable development and implementation of a coherent programme of public art across the borough, including public art commissions, loans and gifted art. |
Safeguarding Adults Annual Report and Safeguarding Children's Annual Report | Review what our Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Children’s Partnership has achieved over the past year and where we plan to improve in the future to help keep our communities safe. |
School Improvement and Quality Assurance Policy | Support improvements in schools and work with schools to help make sure government standards are met. |
Social Value Policy 2018 | How we consider social value in all procurements that comply with the Public Procurement Regulations 2015. |
Tourism Signing Policy 2012 | Promote tourism and help tourists visiting Barnsley to find their way around the local roads. |
Transforming Care Partnership Plan | Make care and services better for people with a learning disability and/or autism in the Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield and Barnsley areas. |
Transforming Care Partnership Plan (easy read version) | Make care and services better for people with a learning disability and/or autism in the Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield and Barnsley areas |