Planning permission for adverts and signs

The advertisement control system in England consists of rules made by the Secretary of State. This is part of the planning control system. They're set out in the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.

Local planning authorities (LPAs) (usually the local council) are in charge of the day-to-day operation of the advertisement control system. They also decide whether an advertisement should be allowed or not.

Types of advertisements that we control

As the local planning authority for Barnsley, we make decisions about a wide range of advertisements and signs. This includes:

  • posters and notices
  • placards and boards
  • fascia signs and projecting signs
  • pole signs and canopy signs
  • advance signs and directional signs
  • estate agent boards
  • flag advertisements
  • traffic signs
  • town and village name-signs

Standard conditions for advertising

All outdoor advertisements must comply with the following standard conditions:

  • be kept clean and tidy
  • be kept in a safe condition
  • have the permission of the owner of the site on which they're displayed. This includes the council if the sign is to be placed on highway land
  • not obscure, or hinder the interpretation of, official road, rail, waterway or aircraft signs, or otherwise make hazardous the use of these types of transport
  • be removed carefully where so required by the planning authority

Applying for advertisement consent

If you want to apply for permission to display an advertisement bigger than 0.3 square metres (or any size if illuminated) on the front or outside your property (home or business), you need to fill the appropriate application form

Post your form, together with the application fee and detailed plans of your proposal to: Development Management, Barnsley Council Planning and Regulatory Services, PO Box 604, Barnsley, S70 9FE.

We'll consider your proposals and carry out the necessary consultations. Then we'll decide on the application and issue a decision notice. 

If we grant permission for you to display your advert, the consent will usually last for five years. We can grant consent for longer or shorter periods.


If you're not happy with our decision you can appeal, within eight weeks of receiving our decision, to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

Call 0117 372 6372 to ask for an appeals form.

Check the following links for more detailed advice about advertisement control: