The Licensing Act 2003 allows premises licence and club premises certificate holders to apply for minor variations. For example, you can apply for a minor variation to:
- make minor changes to the layout of a premises
- add some activities to a licence, eg regulated entertainment
The variation must not have an adverse effect on any of the licensing objectives.
You can't apply for a minor variation to:
- extend the period for which the licence has effect
- substantially vary the premises to which it relates
- change the designated premises supervisor (DPS)
- add the sale or supply of alcohol
- authorise the supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am
- authorise an increase in the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold or supplied
The fee for a minor variation to a premises licence is £89.
How to apply
You can apply for a minor variation if the premises is in our licensing area. You can apply and pay the fee using our online form.
In the form you'll need to upload a completed copy of your minor variation application form. You also need to upload a premises plan if you're applying to make minor changes to the layout.
Applying by post
You can apply by post by sending your forms to: Barnsley Council, Licensing, Regulatory Services, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG. You must also serve your application to the appropriate responsible authorities.
You can pay the fee using our online form. Select 'Pay for a minor variation application submitted via post' as the reason you're applying. Your application isn't valid until you've paid the fee.
What happens next
We'll review your application and email you to confirm if it's valid or if we need any more details. If it's valid:
- we'll consult with the responsible authorities and consider any comments we receive from them
- members of the public will have 10 working days to submit any representations. This starts from the day after we receive your application.
After this period we'll decide if your minor variation is granted or refused. We'll do this within 15 working days of when we receive your full valid application. This timescale starts on the first working day after we receive this.
We'll only grant your minor variation if we consider it won't have an adverse effect on the licensing objectives. In any other case, we'll reject your application.
Tacit consent
Tacit consent does not apply for minor variations. This means you will not be able to act as though your application has been granted until we confirm this.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or