
Current projects

The M1 Junction 36 project will improve the highways and enable two key areas of employment land along the M1 Junction 36/A6195 Dearne Valley economic growth corridor to be created.

TheĀ M1 Junction 37 project aims to create more residential and development chances around Junction 37. It also aims to improve access to/from the M1 from Barnsley. It'll help relieve congestion in the area and on the southbound exit from the M1. It'll also alleviate air pollution.

You can find out more about these and our other key projects below.

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Property Investment Fund

Our Property Investment Fund (PIF) enables partnership working with developers to construct new commercial premises.

Phase 1

Phase 1 of the PIF at R-evolution @ Gateway 36 business park included the construction of a total of 230,000sqft of industrial units. Companies on site include the below:

Company Information
Talurit UK International manufacturing company with headquarters in Sweden
Esco GB Ltd Global manufacturer of laboratory, medical and healthcare equipment
Environment Agency Executive non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Universal Components Leading supplier of truck and trailer components, originally from Sheffield

Combined, these have provided more than 150 jobs the borough.

Phase 2

The second phase of the Property Investment Fund is under development by Marshall Construction at Capitol Park, Dodworth. This will provide two industrial units - one of 23,900sqft and one 15,000sqft.