
This project aims to create more residential and development opportunities around Junction 37 of the M1. It also aims to improve access to/from the M1 from Barnsley. It should relieve congestion in the immediate area and on the southbound exit from the M1. As a result of this, air pollution should be lowered.

Learn more about the project below.

Phase 1: A628 Dodworth Road/Broadway Junction improvement

For some time we've been exploring options to ease congestion and improve air quality along Dodworth Road. We need to find a long-term solution that will have enough capacity for the current volume of traffic. It should also allow for future business and housing growth aspirations of Barnsley.

Junction 37 of the M1 is the key route into Barnsley town centre. Highways England are in charge of the motorway. They could use legal powers against us should congestion lead to standing traffic backing up on the motorway. This is what's predicted to happen without the proposed scheme.

Journey times from M1 Junction 37 into the town centre have almost trebled in less than two decades. This is from a morning rush hour average of ten minutes in 2000 to around 27 minutes today.

A628 Dodworth Road gyratory improvement - Penny Pie Park foot and cycle bridge

The latest phase of the A628 Dodworth Road Gyratory improvement scheme was completed with the opening of the new foot and cycle bridge. The bridge links Penny Pie Park with Pogmoor Recreation Ground. It was opened by the Mayor of Barnsley, Councillor James Michael Stowe on Monday 22 May 2023.

The footbridge will:

  • Connect two existing greenspaces which were previously severed by the Sheffield/Huddersfield railway line.
  • Provide links between two community areas of Dodworth and Pogmoor. The wards are Old Town and Dodworth.
  • Provide a safe crossing point for pupils going to and from Horizon Community College.
  • Provide a safe active travel route.
  • Help address Network Rail’s recorded incursions onto the line by children in Barnsley.

Watch the bridge being lifted and secured into place by the contractor, CR Reynolds, in the video below.


The Active Travel (Penny Pie Park and Pogmoor Recreation Ground) footbridge is being supported and part-funded by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority's "Get Building Fund".

The Mayor, MCA and LEP have a shared purpose to create a stronger, greener, fairer South Yorkshire. Their aim is to work together to unlock the potential of South Yorkshire. The aim is to ensure its people, businesses and places prosper. The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) can be contacted on (01142) 203400. You can also visit the SYMCA website or email for more details.

Planning application and cabinet papers and other information:

View the planning application for the foot/cycle bridge.

Read the cabinet papers (Cab.22.7.2020/9)

See the new foot and cycle bridge - award of contract

Noise insulation scheme

Noise insulation scheme - January 2023

18 months ago, residents that might be affected by the noise insulation regulations were contacted by letter. This was to inform them of the scheme and the process.

The ‘as built’ noise modelling exercise has now been repeated and the results have been published.

The results show that some of the facades on some of the properties may be eligible for noise insulation measures. These properties are identified in blue on the plans in fig 1a and fig 1b.

These properties will be contacted by letter. In line with the Noise Insulation Regulations (1975 as amended 1988), owners of affected properties need to respond by 31 July 2023. This is so an internal survey of the property can be arranged. This will identify the presence of eligible rooms on qualifying facades. We will then suggest what noise insulation measures may be required.

Fig 1a

J37 noise insulation - Fig 1a

Fig 1b

J37 noise insulation - Fig 1b

Noise insulation scheme - June 2021

Please find below an electronic version of the noise insulation letter, scheme details and scheme specifications. they've been sent to potentially affected residents.

Frequently asked questions and updated plans

Road-user benefits

The delivery of any highway improvement scheme will impact on the road users during construction. However, once completed, the scheme will:

  • reduce congestion and queue lengths
  • improve safety in the vicinity of Horizon Community College
  • improve cycling and walking routes in the vicinity

Once the gyratory is fully operational, 14 toucan (pedestrian and cycle) signalised crossing points will be in operation. This will differ to the original five controlled, and one uncontrolled crossing. The new Toucan crossings will be synchronised with all the traffic lights. This includes the signals at M1 J37. It'll make sure the flow of traffic is running as efficient as possible.

Please see the plan of the permanent pedestrian crossing locations once the gyratory is completed.

We have modelled traffic flow before and traffic flow after the scheme works to plan the scheme.

From the M1, traffic will take a left turn on a one-way road, adding length to the route. This will help traffic to flow freely and therefore reduce queuing times on Dodworth Road.

We know that the proposed Dodworth Road highway scheme encroaches into Penny Pie Park. It does have a good effect on the traffic flow and access to Barnsley however. This would occur with each of the potential options assessed. In contrast, unlike some of the other options, it doesn't result in the acquisition and demolition of any residential properties.

Proposals to mitigate the impact on Penny Pie Park

A green space appraisal has been carried out. This will address and compensate for the impact of the proposed scheme on Penny Pie Park. The proposal is to enhance the facilities on offer. It'll also create a high-quality, functional and attractive environment for the neighbourhood area:

  • The existing play area, multi-use games area and outdoor gym facility will be retained and relocated in Penny Pie Park. It'll also have new footpaths.
  • Pogmoor recreation ground will benefit from improved pedestrian access. This includes footpaths, benches and dog fouling bins.
  • Upgrading of Sugden’s recreation ground on Stocks Lane will be upgraded from an EPA to a NEAP. This means it'll have a wider catchment area of 1000m, as oppose to 400m. It also has extra 5 new pieces of equipment from 3 to 8 equipment pieces.

‘Embrace’ the children’s hospital air ambulance charity, is considering new locations to relocate to. Permission will still be retained to land if necessary.

Side road orders

Contact us

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Phase 2: Claycliffe

We've been awarded a £10.63 million Local Government Fund (LGF). This is to contribute to the delivery of new and improved highway infrastructure works. It's subject to planning approval and should take place in the area of M1 Junction 37 (Claycliffe). Barnsley Council’s Cabinet gave the authority to enter into negotiations with Sheffield City Region on 5 February 2020. This meeting was regarding the acceptance of the LGF grant funding.

The significant funding will improve and widen Capitol Close/Higham Lane. It will also make improvements to the Chestnut Tree roundabout and provide new access into MU1 (Barnsley West). it's a mixed use employment and housing site allocated as part of Barnsley’s Local Plan.

The Masterplan Framework for MU1 (Barnsley West), was adopted by Full Council on 19 December 2019. It followed a community consultation exercise, supporting the delivery of more than 3500 new jobs in the area. there will also be 1700 new homes, public open space and a new primary school.

Initial planning applications submitted for the highway improvements to facilitate this development can be viewed via the planning portal.

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