Bus stops and shelters

Ask for a bus shelter

You can ask for a bus shelter to be erected by contacting Travel South Yorkshire.

Call: (01142) 767575

Write to: South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive, PO Box 801, Exchange Street, Sheffield S2 5YT

When they receive your request they'll look at things like:

  • exposure to weather
  • passenger use
  • bus frequency
  • environment

If SYPTE agrees to erect a bus shelter, they'll arrange a visit with us and the police to look at the position you've asked for it to be placed. We'll look at road safety issues and whether or not there'll be enough footway width left for pedestrians.

Some bus shelters carry advertisement panels which require planning consent.

Report a problem with a bus shelter

If you think that the position of a bus shelter is causing a road safety hazard, please contact Travel South Yorkshire.