03-01-2024 - Statement about vandalism to Penistone Sheep sculptures

Cllr Wendy Cain, Cabinet Spokesperson for Public Health and Communities, said: “I was appalled to learn that some of the Penistone Sheep had been vandalised.

“It’s a real shame these sculptures have attacked by mean-spirited vandals in this way, and I’m pleased our graffiti removal officers have moved quickly to restore them to their full glory.

“We appreciate the effort of some residents to clean paint off the sheep and a visitors' map that was vandalised.

“I would urge anyone who may be able to help the police identify those responsible to come forward.

“The reception to Penistone's fun art trail has been overwhelmingly positive and the community of Penistone have taken the woolly newcomers to their hearts since they arrived last November.

“I’d encourage everyone to visit Penistone to find the sheep for themselves and see what else the town has to offer.”

Notes to editors

We would urge anyone spotting offensive or significant graffiti to report it as soon as possible via our website. 

We will remove graffiti as soon as possible, but can only act on incidents of which we have been informed. Graffiti on the sheep outside Penistone Church Football Club was significant but had not been reported.

You can report offensive or significant graffiti at https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/streetcare-and-cleaning/graffiti/.

Find out more about the Penistone Sheep art trail here: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/news/can-you-find-all-the-flock-new-sheep-themed-art-trail-launched-in-penistone/


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