Help to share our council messages

There's lots of ways you can help us spread the word on our campaigns and key projects. This includes example posts and images for you to share on social media.

Barnsley 2030

Barnsley 2030 is about celebrating our borough. By working together we can make sure that everyone benefits from Barnsley's success.

We ask you to support Barnsley 2030. The Barnsley 2030 toolkit (PDF 14MB) will help you raise awareness of our vision. Please think about how you can help us achieve Barnsley’s ambitions.

Barnsley town centre

Our town centre brand celebrates the people and places that make our town centre so vibrant. Read the Barnsley town centre brand guidelines.


Social media images

Facebook images

Download Message displayed in image Description of image
Download Facebook image 1: Make a night of it Make a night of it Text with an image of a woman enjoying herself on a night out in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Facebook image 2: Make a racket  Make a racket Text with an image of a guitarist gigging at a live music venue in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Facebook image 3: Make a splash Make a splash Text with an image of a Little girl playing in the the Glass Works water fountains. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Facebook image 4: Make it quality  Make it quality Text with an image of a Butcher stood at his stall in Barnsley Markets. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Facebook image 5: Make it delicious Make it delicious  Text with an image of a man and woman enjoying a drink in a restaurant in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.

Instagram images

Download Message displayed in image Description of image
Download Instagram image 1: Make a night of it Make a night of it Text with an image of a woman enjoying herself on a night out in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Instagram image 2: Make a racket  Make a racket Text with an image of a guitarist gigging at a live music venue in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Instagram image 3: Make a splash Make a splash Text with an image of a little girl playing in the the Glass Works water fountains. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Instagram image 4: Make it quality Make it quality Text with an image of a Butcher stood outside Barnsley Markets. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Instagram image 5: Make it delicious Make it delicious  Text with an image of a man and woman enjoying a drink in a restaurant in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.

Microsoft Teams backgrounds

Download Message displayed in image Description of image
Download Microsoft Teams background 1: Make it yours Make it yours Text with Barnsley town centre brand logo.
Download Microsoft Teams background 2: Make it yours Make it yours Text with Barnsley town centre brand logo.
Download Microsoft Teams background 3: Make it yours Make it yours Text with Barnsley town centre brand logo.
Download Microsoft Teams background 4: Make it yours Make it yours Text with an image of a band playing in a live music venue in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Microsoft Teams background 5 : Make it yours Make it yours Text with an image butcher stood outside Barnsley Markets. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Microsoft Teams background 6: Make it yours Make it yours Text with an image of a comedian on stage in the Comedy Shop in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Microsoft Teams background 7: Make it yours Make it yours Text with an image of a girl reading a book at the Library @ the Lightbox. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Microsoft Teams background 8: Make it yours Make it yours Text with an image of four girls stood on the Arcade in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.
Download Microsoft Teams background 9: Make it yours Make it yours Text with an image of two men enjoying food in the Market Kitchen in Barnsley. Barnsley town centre brand logo included.

More Money in Your Pocket

More Money in Your Pocket is about helping our residents with the cost of living.


More Money in Your Pocket social media images

Download Message displayed in image

Download social media image 1: Visit More Money in Your Pocket 

Visit More Money In Your Pocket for information on the support available for the rising cost of living.

Download social media image 2: Visit More Money in Your Pocket

Find all the information and support you need to help with the rising cost of living. Find out how you can save money or get help in a range of areas at

Download social media image 3: Visit More Money in Your Pocket

Find out how you could save money or get help in a range of areas at

Download social media image 4: Visit More Money in Your Pocket

Find all the information and support you need to help with the rising cost of living. Find out how you can save money or get help in a range of areas at

Welcoming spaces social media images

Download Message displayed in image
Download social media image 1: Welcoming spaces Proud to be a welcoming space. Visit to find out more.
Download social media image 2: Welcoming spaces We're a welcoming space. Visit to find out more.
Download digital screens image 1: Welcoming spaces Proud to be a welcoming space.
Download digital screens image 2: Welcoming spaces We're a welcoming space.
Download A4 poster 1: Welcoming spaces Proud to be a welcoming space. Visit to find out more.
Download A4 poster 2: Welcoming spaces We're a welcoming space. Visit to find out more.
Download Facebook cover image 1: Welcoming spaces Proud to be a welcoming space.
Download Facebook cover image 2: Welcoming spaces Proud to be a welcoming space.
Download X header image 1: Welcoming spaces We're a welcoming space.
Download X header image 2: Welcoming spaces We're a welcoming space.

No place for hate

No place for hate aims for our borough to be a place where nobody faces abuse, online or in their community.

Our Healthy Summer

We’re sharing and promoting the ways families can help their children have a healthy summer break, with tips on healthy eating, keeping hydrated and staying safe in the sun.

Facebook posts and images

Text for post Image
The summer holidays will soon be upon us! Watch out for our hints and tips for how your kids can stay sun safe and fuel their fun! 

Our Healthy Summer Facebook image
School’s out for summer!

Protecting your child's skin during the (hopefully) sunny days essential! Here are some sun safety tips for kids:

1. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
2. Seek shade during peak sun hours.
3. Dress them in protective clothing.
4. Stay hydrated and take water breaks.
5. Educate them about sunburn risks.

Let's keep our little ones safe under the sun! Find out more at:

#SunSafetyForKids #ProtectTheirSkin #ourhealthysummer
Sun safety top tips for kids Facebook image
Calling all parents! Keep your kids safe in the sun with these sun safety tips.

Spread the word and share these tips with other parents! Find out more at:

Fun in the sun checklist for kids Facebook image
Supercharge your child's energy.

Give your little ones the energy they need for playtime, sports, and learning. Choose wholesome, nutrient-dense foods like whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Let's fuel their active lifestyles!

Find out more at: under how we can eat well as a family.

Supercharge their energy Facebook image
Sun safety is not just for adults! Ensure your kids are protected from harmful UV rays by ticking off this checklist. Let's create a sun-safe generation! Share these tips with fellow parents.

Find out more at:

Fun in the sun checklist for kids Facebook image
Quench their thirst, the healthy way. Hydration is key for active kids.

Encourage them to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Opt for infused water or homemade smoothies packed with fruits and veggies. Fruit and veg snacks with high water content such as cucumber, baby tomatoes, melon, oranges and apples are also a great way to stay hydrated.

Find out more at: under how we can eat well as a family.

Hydration is key for active kids Facebook image
Snack smarter, grow stronger!

Encourage your child to choose nutritious snacks that provide energy and essential nutrients. From crunchy carrot sticks to juicy apple slices, healthy snacks can be fun and delicious! Let's fuel their growth with smart snacking habits.

Find out more at: under how we can eat well as a family.

Snack smarter, grow stronger Facebook image
Let's keep our little ones safe when the sun's out!

Find out more at:

#SunSafetyForKids #ProtectTheirSkin #ourhealthysummer
Fun in the sun checklist for kids Facebook image
Dairy delights for strong bones. Calcium is essential for kids' growing bones. Include dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese in their diet. For those who are lactose intolerant, opt for plant-based alternatives fortified with calcium.

Find out more at: under how we can eat well as a family.

Dairy delights for strong bones Facebook image
Being well hydrated improves kids’ mood and helps them to remember things.

Share our message - “Hydrate with your mates!”

Hydrate with your mates Facebook image

X posts and images

Text for post Image Image alt text
The summer holidays will soon be upon us!

Watch out for our hints and tips for how your kids can stay sun safe and fuel their fun! 

Our Healthy Summer X image Our Healthy Summer. A smiling cartoon boy and girl with the sun shining over them stand by a paddling pool. Near them is healthy food, two bottles of water and a bottle of sun cream. At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
School’s out for summer!

Protecting your child's skin during the (hopefully) sunny days essential! Here are some sun safety tips for kids. Let's keep our little ones safe under the sun! Find out more at: 

#SunSafetyForKids #ProtectTheirSkin #ourhealthysummer
Sun safety top tips for kids X image Our Healthy Summer sun safety top tips for kids. Images of a smiling sun, sun cream, a t-shirt, parasol, water bottle and sunglasses. Tips say apply sunscreen (minimum 30 SPF) 15-30 minutes before going out and top up throughout the day; dress in loose protective clothing; seek shade especially between 10am and 4pm; stay hydrated with regular water breaks; wear sunglasses and a hat. At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Calling all parents! Keep your kids safe in the sun with these sun safety tips.

Spread the word and share these tips with other parents! Find out more at:

Fun in the sun checklist for kids X image Our Healthy Summer fun in the sun checklist for kids. Images of a smiling sun, t-shirt, sun cream, hat, sunglasses, water bottle, parasol. Checklist says: Have you covered your arms with a t-shirt? Have you put on your sun cream minimum SPF 30, ideally SPF 50? Have you put on your hat? Have you got your sunglasses ready? Have you got plenty of water to drink? Is there a lot of shade to play in? At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Supercharge your child's energy.

Give your little ones the energy they need for playtime, sports, and learning. Choose foods like whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy to fuel their active lifestyles!

Eat well as a family info:

Supercharge their energy X image Our Healthy Summer. Fuel their fun! Supercharge their energy. At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Sun safety is not just for adults!

Ensure your kids are protected from harmful UV rays by ticking off this checklist. Let's create a sun-safe generation! Share these tips with fellow parents.

Find out more at:

Fun in the sun checklist for kids X image Our Healthy Summer fun in the sun checklist for kids. Images of a smiling sun, t-shirt, sun cream, hat, sunglasses, water bottle, parasol. Checklist says: Have you covered your arms with a t-shirt? Have you put on your sun cream minimum SPF 30, ideally SPF 50? Have you put on your hat? Have you got your sunglasses ready? Have you got plenty of water to drink? Is there a lot of shade to play in? At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Quench their thirst, the healthy way.

Hydration is key for active kids. Encourage them to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Opt for infused water or homemade smoothies packed with fruits and veg.

Eat well as a family info:


Hydration is key for active kids X image

Our Healthy Summer. Fuel their fun! Hydration is key for active kids. At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Snack smarter, grow stronger!

Encourage your kids to choose nutritious snacks providing energy and essential nutrients. Healthy snacks can be fun and delicious! Let's fuel their growth.

Eat well as a family info:

#ourhealthysummer #ourhealthysummer
Snack smarter, grow stronger X image Our Healthy Summer. Fuel their fun! Snack smarter, grow stronger! A cartoon bone doing a strongman pose stands under a smiling sun. At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Let's keep our little ones safe when the sun's out!

Find out more at:

#SunSafetyForKids #ProtectTheirSkin #ourhealthysummer
Fun in the sun checklist for kids X image Our Healthy Summer fun in the sun checklist for kids. Images of a smiling sun, t-shirt, sun cream, hat, sunglasses, water bottle, parasol. Checklist says: Have you covered your arms with a t-shirt? Have you put on your sun cream minimum SPF 30, ideally SPF 50? Have you put on your hat? Have you got your sunglasses ready? Have you got plenty of water to drink? Is there a lot of shade to play in? At the bottom is a Barnsley 2030 logo – Barnsley the place of possibilities, and the Barnsley Council coat of arms.
Calcium is essential for kids' growing bones.

Include dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese in their diet. For those who are lactose intolerant, opt for plant-based alternatives fortified with calcium. Eat well as a family

Dairy delights for strong bones X image Our Healthy Summer. Fuel their fun! Dairy delights for strong bones. A smiling cartoon bone stands under a smiling sun and holds a block of cheese. Barnsley 2030 logo and Barnsley Council coat of arms included.
Being well hydrated improves kids’ mood and helps them to remember things.

Share our message - “Hydrate with your mates!”

Hydrate with your mates X image Our Healthy Summer. Fuel their fun! Hydrate with your mates! Two smiling, cheerful cartoon water bottles stand under a smiling sun. Barnsley 2030 logo and Barnsley Council coat of arms included.

Digital screens image

Image Text in image
Our Healthy Summer digital screens image Our Healthy Summer. Sun safety - top tips for kids.

Apply sunscreen - minimum 30 SPF, ideally SPF 50, 15-30 minutes before going out and top up throughout the day.
Dress in loose protective clothing.
Seek shade, especially between 10am and 4pm.
Stay hydrated with regular water breaks.
Wear sunglasses and a hat.

Find more top tips on our Facebook page! #ourhealthysummer

Healthier Futures

We're sharing promotional materials which can be used to promote Healthier Futures Barnsley to schools and professionals. If you have any questions about these materials, please contact


Social media images

Download Message displayed in image
Download social media image 1: Healthier Futures

Healthier Futures Barnsley!

Healthier futures helps schools to:

  • Improve pupil health and wellbeing
  • Improve staff health and wellbeing
  • Improve results because happy, healthy children do better in school
  • Get access to up to date advice, guidance and resources around health and wellbeing through our Healthier Futures Barnsley website - scan the QR code above

Contact for more information around Healthier Futures Barnsley and how to get involved.

Download social media image 2: Healthier Futures

Sign up to Healthier Futures Barnsley!

Healthier futures helps schools to:

  • Improve pupil health and wellbeing
  • Improve staff health and wellbeing
  • Improve results because happy, healthy children do better in school
  • Get access to up to date advice, guidance and resources around health and wellbeing through our Healthier Futures Barnsley website - scan the QR code above

Contact for more information around Healthier Futures Barnsley and how to get involved.

Download social media image 3: Healthier Futures

Take part in Healthier Futures Barnsley!

Taking part and achieving our Healthier Futures Barnsley Accreditation is likely to have positive impact on pupils'

  • Attendance
  • Behaviour
  • Achievements and Attainment
  • Relationships

Please visit our website (scan QR code) which is full of useful information and resources and for details of our accreditation is designed to help schools implement best practice on health and wellbeing.

For more information, contact

Download social media image 4: Healthier Futures

Take part in Healthier Futures Barnsley!

Taking part and achieving our Healthier Futures Barnsley Accreditation is likely to have positive impact or pupils'

  • Attendance Behaviour
  • Achievements and Attainment
  • Relationships

Please visit our website (scan QR code) which is full of useful information and resources and for details of our accreditation is designed to help schools implement best practice on health and wellbeing.

For more information, contact

Download social media image 5: Healthier Futures

Sign up today for a Healthier Future

improving health and wellbeing of children and young people through an accreditation and pupil survey which helps provide evidence on your schools progress around health and wellbeing for school governors and Ofsted.

The Healthier Futures website (scan QR code) helps with the delivery of a variety of public health topics. For more information and support, contact

Download social media image 6: Healthier Futures

Sign up today for a Healthier Future

Improving health and wellbeing of children and young people through an accreditation and pupil survey which helps provide evidence on your school's progress around health and wellbeing for school governors and Ofsted

The Healthier Futures website (scan QR code) helps with the delivery of a variety of public health topics.

For more information and support, contact

Download social media image 7: Healthier Futures

Join Healthier Futures today for our children and young people to have a healthier tomorrow!

Primary and secondary school health and wellbeing project containing:

  • Accreditation
  • Children and young people survey
  • Website
  • PSHE Network

Visit the website for more information (scan QR code) or contact

Download social media image 8: Healthier Futures

Join Healthier Futures today for our children and young people to have a healthier tomorrow!

Primary and secondary school health and wellbeing project containing:

  • Accreditation
  • Children and young people survey Website
  • PSHE Network

Visit the website for more information (scan QR code) or contact

Healthy living

We're sharing promotional materials which can be used to promote healthy living.

Dry pregnancy social media images

Text for post Image Image alt text
There's no known safe amount, no safe time and no safe type of alcohol during pregnancy. #DryPregnancy Dry pregnancy image - blue Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy
No alcohol is the safest choice. #DryPregnancy Dry pregnancy image - purple Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy
Are you aware of the risks of drinking alcohol in pregnancy? Even a small amount of alcohol can cause lifelong harm to your baby #DryPregnancy Dry pregnancy image - turquoise Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy
Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy Dry pregnancy image - blue Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy
Even a small amount of alcohol can cause lifelong harm to your baby #DryPregnancy Dry pregnancy image - purple Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy
Today is International FASD Awareness Day. For further information please go to or Dry pregnancy image - turquoise Choose an alcohol-free pregnancy #DryPregnancy

Kind to teeth

Poster (A4)

Download Message displayed in image
Quench My Thirst A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Spitting Feathers A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Thirsty Work A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Thirsty Work 2 A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Thirsty Work Being A Bear A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Thirsty Work Being A Princess A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

After Dinner Drinks A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Drink Please A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Drink Please 2 A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:

Parched A4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

For further information on suitable drinks for children, please visit:


Social media

Download Message displayed in image
Only Milk Or Water 1

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 2

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 3

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 4

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 5

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 6

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 7

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 8

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 9

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet

Only Milk Or Water 10

Only milk or water. Be kind to my teeth!

If your child is thirsty, the best drinks to offer are milk or water.

Fizzy drinks, soft drinks, juice drinks and squashes sweetened with sugar can cause tooth decay and have no place in a child's daily diet