Our Transport Strategy shows the vision for Barnsley by 2033. Read the full Transport Strategy.
Strategy objectives
The strategy objectives reflect our priorities in a measurable way. They provide the focus for the Transport Strategy and will inform our targets.
Transform our streets and places to enable an increase in cycling and walking
Increasing the uptake of cycling and walking will actively contribute to a reduction in congestion and air pollution, and improve the health of Barnsley’s residents.
Use of public transport instead of the private car also contributes to reduced congestion, and is important in enabling access to services. Uptake of all these modes can be influenced by effective travel planning measures and infrastructure.
Support economic growth and regeneration
With the adoption of the Local Plan, Barnsley is expected to see high levels of growth over the next 10 years. Transport investment will be required (which is likely to include the building of new roads/infrastructure) to ensure we maintain a high-quality strategic network as we grow.
We need to ensure that development takes place on a sustainable basis, is accessible for all users and doesn't place undue pressure on the transport network.
Reduce conventional vehicular trips for journeys of less than two miles
This isn't about reducing the total number of trips on the network, as mobility is highly important for our economic growth and for those residents who struggle to travel by other means and require motorised
travel to facilitate independence.
Our focus is on reducing the number of journeys that occur at peak times and are two miles or under, and encourage the use of less polluting vehicles (especially freight transport).
Reduce and mitigate the impact of transport-based emissions and noise
Research and evidence has shown that particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide generated by a variety of sources has a significant adverse effect on the health of those who are regularly exposed. A proportion of these pollutants are generated by transport.
Reduction in exposure to these pollutants could result in significant health benefits for Barnsley residents.
Reduce killed and seriously injured incidents and slight accidents on our roads
Over the last 10 years our roads have become safer, but there's still considerable work to do to further reduce accidents and create safe and accessible streets for all.
Key projects
Our Barnsley 2030 vision presents the key themes and ambitions for the borough. Find out about our key projects for 2020 to 2030 below.
- Increase our cycling network aimed at journeys to work/connections to key employment sites.
- Deliver the Department for Transport active travel routes.
- Delivery of the schemes identified in the Transforming Cities Fund.
- Delivery of the schemes identified in the SCR Recovery Plan.
- Improve cycle parking facilities in council premises/schools/colleges.
- Ensure new developments include cycling routes/connections/facilities.
- Create an exemplar active travel hub.
- Increase Bikeability training.
- All Principal Towns to have an e-charging hub.
- Prioritise resources on those walking routes that best connect our Principal Towns to opportunities.
- Ensure new developments include walking routes linking to existing communities and key destinations.
- Revisit the Rights of Way Implementation Plan (ROWIP).
- Develop an app of our active travel routes.
- Market and incentivise more active travel.
- Support the delivery of the bus review.
- The delivery of the A61 bus improvement corridor.
- The delivery of the bus rapid transit on the A635.
- The delivery of improvements on the A628.
- Improve bus shelters along routes to include real time information.
- Improve walking links from communities to local bus hubs.
- Develop smart ticketing.
- The delivery of the new Dearne Valley Parkway station at Goldthorpe.
- Improvements to Bolton-upon-Dearne, Darton, Goldthorpe, Elsecar and Thurnscoe stations.
- Submission of re-opening of the Barnsley-Royston line bid.
- Extensions to platforms at Barnsley to enable longer trains to stop.
- Support the SCR with the re-opening of the Sheffield-Stocksbridge line and links to Penistone.
- Penistone Station park and ride.
- Investigate opportunities for tram-train.
- Support smart ticketing.
- Review the traffic modelling evidence to understand the impact of congestion.
- Support solutions for congestion relief across the borough.
- Balance the impact on the wider transport network and promote sustainable travel options.
- Promote sustainable travel options to relieve local congestion hotspots.
Work with key public and private stakeholders to support the delivery and secure the
implementation of:
- A635 bus quality corridor
- A628 bus quality corridor
- improvements to bus infrastructure
- active travel hubs
- active travel corridors
- improvements to the Trans Pennine Trail
- Royston/Carlton relief road
- highway improvements in Penistone
- Support the delivery of a Barnsley/SCR Freight Strategy.
- Investigate rail freight/water freight opportunities.
- Review and map freight routes with clear directional signage.
- Review loading restrictions to reduce congestion.
- Develop smart parking opportunities in town signposted from gateways to landing centres.
- Improve cycle and motorcycle parking facilities at key destinations.
- Review staff parking policy for council officers.
- Introduce electric car and cycle charging points as part of new developments and
in Principal Towns, ensuring that these are accessible to all our residents.