Parks and open spaces
You can hire a park or public open space for small local events or commercial events such as fairs and circuses.
You need to have public liability insurance cover to the value of £5 million and to meet our terms and conditions of hire. Depending on the type of event and activities, you might also need a Temporary Event Notice.
The charge to hire a park is available on application. We can offer lower hire costs to charities, community and voluntary groups. If you think you'd qualify for a lower rate, please give us details about this in your application.
How to apply
To apply to hire a park, fill in our park hire application form and return this to: Parks Services, PO Box 634, Barnsley, S70 9GG.
You also need to complete a risk assessment for community events and the event safety guide notification form.
For more information
Call 01226 774353 or