Neighbourhood plans

Neighbourhood plans allow local communities to lead on development and development plans in their areas. Neighbourhood planning was introduced in the government's Localism Act, and gives communities the opportunity to:

  • say where they think new houses, businesses and shops should be built;
  • have a say on what buildings should look like;
  • give planning permission for new developments.

Neighbourhood planning can’t be used to block the building of homes and business considered to be necessary to meet Barnsley’s future needs.  But neighbourhood plans can be used to influence the type, design, location and mix of new developments. 

We already have a number of designated neighbourhood areas in Barnsley where communities are working on neighbourhood planning. You can read guidance about designating neighbourhood areas here.

Silkstone Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Silkstone Neighbourhood Development Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. It will be taken into account when decisions are made on planning applications in the Silkstone neighbourhood area.

Cawthorne Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Cawthorne Neighbourhood Development Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. It will be taken into account when decisions are made on planning applications in the Cawthorne neighbourhood area.

Penistone Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Penistone Neighbourhood Development Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. It will be taken into account when decisions are made on planning applications in the Penistone Neighbourhood Area.

Oxspring Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Oxspring Neighbourhood Development Plan is now part of the statutory development plan for Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. It will be taken into account when decisions are made on planning applications in the Oxspring Neighbourhood Area.

How to develop a neighbourhood plan

Neighbourhood planning involves creating any of the following:

  • Neighbourhood Development Plan. This establishes the vision and planning policies for the use and development of land in a neighbourhood. Once adopted it would become part of the development plan and would be used alongside the government’s National Planning Policy Framework and our Local Plan.

  • Neighbourhood Development Order. This allows communities to grant planning permission for types of new developments they want to see go ahead.

  • Community Right to Build Order. This is a type of Neighbourhood Development Order which gives communities the power to develop new projects such as small scale housing or community facilities without needing to apply for planning permission.

Where there is a town or parish council they would be the only body that can prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan or Neighbourhood Development Order.

Where there isn't a town or parish council a neighbourhood forum can lead on co-ordinating neighbourhood planning. A neighbourhood forum could be made up of an existing community organisation or it could be a new group, but it must meet certain criteria and be approved by us.

In all cases, the neighbourhood area boundary would need to be approved by us.

A Community Right to Build Order can be prepared by certain community organisations and not just the parish or town council or neighbourhood forums.

Applying for neighbourhood planning

If you’re thinking about neighbourhood planning it’s worth having a look at the government’s introduction to neighbourhood planning where you'll find details of the technical and financial support that the government has made available.

You should also read the following documents:

Contact us for advice before you start the application process. You may also be interested in listing assets of community value and the right to bid.

Current applications to designate a neighbourhood area

There are no current applications to designate a neighbourhood area.