We’re responsible for inspecting, maintaining and repairing road structures, including bridges, subways, underpasses and retaining walls.
We're not responsible for:
- bridges over live railway lines - these are managed by Network Rail
- bridges over disused railway lines - these are either looked after by the Railway Heritage Trust or the landowner if the railway line has been purchased from Network Rail
- bridges over motorways and trunk roads such as the following are managed by Highways England
- A61 (from M1 J36 to the A616 roundabout)
- A616 (from M1 J35A to the A628 Flouch roundabout)
- A628 (from Flouch roundabout to the borough boundary at Saltersbrook Bridge)
You can check if a damaged bridge has already been reported to us, and the status of existing reports, on the map below.
Reported damaged bridges and retaining walls map
Report a damaged bridge
If the damaged bridge you're reporting isn't on the map, and it's not an immediate safety issue, tell us about it using our online form.
If a bridge or structure is in imminent danger of falling down and injuring someone, call our 24 hour emergency helpline on (01226) 773555.
You'll need to show us on a map where the damage is by clicking to drop a pin. You'll also need to tell us as much detail as you can about the damage. You can upload a photo of the damage as well, if you have one.
You can make your report without leaving your name or contact details. If you'd like a receipt and reference number you need to tell us either your email address or mobile number.
Reports won't be picked up outside office hours or over bank holidays. If the damage is hazardous to motorists or pedestrians please call our helpline.
After you've made your report
After you've submitted the form the damage you’ve reported will appear as a pin on the map. You might need to wait a couple of minutes and refresh your screen to be able to see the status of your report.
The pin will stay on the map for at least 28 days. During which time you can come back to the webpage to check the status of your report.
Once the pin drops off the map you won't be able make further enquiries about your report, unless you have your reference number.
What we'll do
When we get your report we'll inspect the site. We will determine whether it’s a public safety issue or a non-urgent problem to be added to our longer term maintenance programme.
If we can't find the damage when we visit the site you've reported to us, and we don't have details to contact you, we'll close the report.