Report a problem with roadworks, closures and diversions

You can tell us about a problem with roadworks, road closures, or diversion routes and signs.

You can check if the issue's been reported already, and the status of existing reports, on the map below.

Reported problems with roadworks map

View full-screen map

Report a problem with roadworks

If the problem you're reporting isn't on the map, tell us about it using our online form.

Don't use this form to report a problem with temporary traffic signals - these are the responsibility of the company carrying out the work, such as gas, electricity, water or building contractors. Report any problems with the signals directly to the company; their number should be displayed on the traffic signals or on a scheme information board nearby.

For all other roadworks problems you can use our form. You'll need to show us on a map where the problem is by clicking to drop a pin. You'll also need to tell us as much detail as you can about the problem. You can upload a photo of the roadworks as well, if you have one.

You can make your report anonymously, but if you'd like a receipt and reference number you need to tell us your email address.

Please note, reports won't be picked up outside office hours or over bank holidays.

After you've made your report

After you've submitted the form the problem you’ve reported will appear as a pin on the map. You might need to wait a couple of minutes and refresh your screen to be able to see the status of your report.

The pin will stay on the map for at least 28 days, during which time you can come back to the webpage to check the status of your report.

Once the pin drops off the map you won't be able make further enquiries about your report, unless you have your reference number.

What we'll do

When we receive your form we'll look into the problem you've reported.

If the roadworks are being carried out by a third party organisation we'll contact them to agree actions to resolve the issue.